Pokemon Go Ultra Unlock Part 1 Event Begins July 23, Adds Shiny Dialga And More

As a reward for completing enough global challenges during Pokemon Go Fest 2021, developer Niantic is holding three special Ultra Unlock events over the next few weeks. The first, Ultra Unlock Part 1: Time, kicks off at 10 AM local time on July 23, and it features Pokemon from various eras, including the temporal Legendary, Dialga.

Throughout the event, Pokemon from different eras–such as Voltorb, Porygon, Omanyte, Kabuto, and Baltoy–will appear more frequently in the wild. On top of that, various fossil Pokemon will be hatching from 7 km eggs, and the following monsters will be featured in Raid Battles:

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One-star Raids

Unown UCranidosShieldonBronzorKlink

Three-star Raids


Finally, the Legendary Pokemon Dialga is returning to the game. The Legendary Steel/Dragon type will appear in five-star Raids throughout the entire event, and there’s a chance it could be Shiny. You’ll also have a chance to encounter Shiny versions of Cranidos, Shieldon, and Unown U during the event.

The Ultra Unlock: Time event runs until 8 PM local time on August 3, while Dialga will be appearing in Raids until August 6. You can read more details on the official Pokemon website.

Two more Ultra Unlock events will take place later in August. The second, Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space, is slated to follow from August 6-17 and will feature Pokemon from different places, while the third and final event will run from August 20-31. More details on the final event will be shared at a later date.

About Kevin Knezevic

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