Pokemon Go Ultra Unlock Part 3 Event Starts August 20, Adds Sword And Shield Pokemon

Niantic has shared more details on Pokemon Go‘s third Ultra Unlock event, which kicks off on August 20. While the first two events were themed after time and space, respectively, the third one will revolve around the Galar region, and it’ll introduce a host of Pokemon from Sword and Shield to the mobile game.

During the event, the Gen 8 Pokemon Skwovet, Wooloo, and Falinks will appear in the wild, making this your first chance to catch them in Pokemon Go. Additionally, Galarian variants of Meowth, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Farfetch’d, Zigzagoon, Darumaka, and Stunfisk will hatch from 7 km eggs, and you’ll have more chances to catch Galar Pokemon by completing event-exclusive Timed and Field Research tasks.

Galar Pokemon will also be featured in Raid Battles throughout the Ultra Unlock event, including Sword and Shield’s cover monsters, Zacian and Zamazenta. Both Legendaries will appear in their “Hero of Many Battles” forms during specific dates, alongside some other Galarian Pokemon. You can see the Raid schedule for the event below:

Pokemon Go Ultra Unlock Part 3 Raid Schedule

August 20-26

One-star Raids: Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Farfetch’d*, Unown U*, Galarian ZigzagoonThree-star Raids: Galarian Weezing*, Lapras, FalinksFive-star Raids: ZacianMega Raids: Mega Beedrill

August 26 – September 1

One-star Raids: Galarian Meowth, Galarian Ponyta, Unown U, Galarian DarumakaThree-star Raids: Snorlax, Galarian Stunfisk, FalinksFive-star Raids: ZamazentaMega Raids: Mega Pidgeot

* indicates a chance of encountering a Shiny

In addition to the Pokemon spawns, new clothing items will debut during the Ultra Unlock Part 3 event. Beginning August 19, you’ll be able to purchase Gym Uniforms for your avatar based on the ones from Sword and Shield, including the Gym Challenger Uniform, Dragon-Type Sport Uniform, and Dark-Type Sport Uniform. You’ll also be able to obtain some new event-exclusive Gift stickers from PokeStops or the in-game shop.

The Ultra Unlock Part 3 event runs until 8 PM local time on August 31. You can read more details on the official Pokemon Go blog.

In the meantime, the Ultra Unlock Part 2 event runs from August 6-17 and features Pokemon from different regions, as well as Shiny Palkia. Niantic has a few other August events lined up for the game as well, including August’s Community Day, which takes place across two days–August 14-15–and features Eevee.

About Kevin Knezevic

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