As Pokemon Go Fest returns for 2022, Niantic is also bringing back Ultra Unlocks, a bonus that can be earned for upcoming events by completing Global Challenges with other players. For the first time, Niantic is offering multiple Ultra Unlocks for a number of its upcoming events, with challenges available at the four upcoming Pokemon Go Fest events.
The first chance to earn an Ultra Unlock bonus is coming up this weekend during the global Pokemon Go Fest ticketed event. If trainers worldwide manage to complete 20 Global Challenges across the two-day event, an Ultra Unlock event will be added to the upcoming Adventure Week.
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Players don’t have to buy a ticket to contribute to the Ultra Unlock effort–while the Global Challenge Arena is only open to ticket-holders on June 4, it will then open up to all players for the remainder of the event on June 5.
The next bonus on offer will unlock an Ultra event for the Pokemon Go Fest finale event on August 27, and can be earned by completing the Berlin Pokemon Go Fest‘s Global Challenge. Trainers who aren’t able to be at the in-person events will still be able to contribute towards the Global Challenges.
Both the Seattle and Sapporo events will also have Global Challenges to unlock Ultra bonuses for future events that have yet to be announced by Niantic.
We won’t have details on what the Ultra Unlock bonuses will entail until they’re actually unlocked, with Niantic promising that information will be unveiled shortly after each Pokemon Go Fest event ends. Last year’s Ultra Unlock bonus involved a series of three themed events, with each making a variety of Pokemon, including Shiny versions of Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia, easier to obtain.