Pokemon Go Winter Holiday Event Detailed: Postcards, Pokemon, And More

Pokemon Go is about to become a winter wonderland as Niantic has announced the next seasonal event for its mobile titan: Winter Holiday.

The Winter Holiday event will begin Thursday, December 16 at 10 AM local time and run until New Year’s Eve at 8 PM local time. Some of the event’s activities are split between the event’s two-week schedule, but the majority of changes–including a brand-new Postcard Book feature–will debut when the event begins and run through the entire Winter Holiday.

Below are the Winter Holiday activities that will run the entirety of the event:

Ice-Type Pokemon appearing more frequently, including Cryogonal, Snorunt, Snover, Swinub, and VanilliteSpecial Holiday-themed Pokemon will appear, including Holiday Cubchoo, Holiday Delibird, Holiday Glaceon, Holiday Spheal, and Holiday StantlerEncounters with Pikachu in a special holiday hatMega Abomasnow will get a CP boostFestive holiday-themed item bundles in the shop including Premium Battle Passes, Raid Passes, and Super IncubatorsIncreased Gift capacity: Trainers can open up to 45 Gifts per day and hold up to 40 Gifts in the Item BagA new Postcard Book that allows Postcards sent in Gifts to be saved and viewed again later.Go Battle League Season 10‘s Holiday Cup

Part 1 of the Winter Holiday event is scheduled for December 16 at 10 AM local time to December 23 at 10 AM local time. New Pokemon will be found in Gym Raids including Alolan Sandshrew, Cloyster, and Kyurem, and the December Community Day event featuring all Pokemon from previous 2021 Community Days will be included.

Part 2 of the Winter Holiday begins December 23 at 10 AM local time and ends on New Year’s Eve at 8 PM local time. Activities for Part 2 include:

The debut of Bergmite and Avalugg, two Ice Pokemon from the Kalos region. Bergmite will appear in the wild and in raids, and can sometimes hatch from 7km eggs.An increased chance of encountering Galarian Darumaka in raids or hatching from eggsGuaranteed Egg Incubator on the first PokeStop spin of the dayA pair of Timed Research event focusing on friendship, ending with the chance to catch Galarian Mr. MimePokemon appearing in Raids will include Alolan Vulpix, Galarian Darumaka, Lapras, Kyurem, Mega Abomasnow and more.

The Winter Holiday Part 2 will also feature a unique Winter Wonderland event on December 25 and 26, including a special Collection Challenge completed with certain trades, the ability to trade from further distances, and Field Research that will result in encounters with Costumed Delibird.

About Jason Fanelli

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