Pokemon Go's December Community Day Will Feature More Than 15 Pokemon

Pokemon Go‘s final Community Day for 2022 is coming, and it’s going to be a big one. Niantic has announced that all the Pokemon featured in Community Days over 2021 and 2022 will be returning for the upcoming event through wild encounters, field research, and raids.

Players will have the chance to play catch-up on missed Community Days, with 15 Pokemon returning in wild encounters, and more yet available through field research, eggs, and raids. Players will also be able to evolve a number of Pokemon with limited featured attacks over the course of the weekend.

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The event runs across December 17 and 18, with the bulk of encounters occurring during the traditional Community Day hours of 2 PM to 5 PM local time, with the chance of encountering a shiny also boosted during this period. Featured Pokemon will also appear at lower volumes between 9 AM and 9 PM across both days.

The featured Pokemon for Saturday, December 17 are:

SandshrewAlolan SandshrewAlolan GeodudeHoppipSphealStufful

The featured Pokemon for Sunday, December 18 are:

TeddiursaGalarian ZigzagoonStarlyRoggenrolaLitwickDeino

The following Community Day Classic Pokemon also have a chance of appearing across both days:


In addition to the traditional Community Day encounters, the weekend event will also see previous Community Day Pokemon appearing in one star raids, including:


More Community Day Pokemon will also be available to hatch from 2km eggs, and can be encountered through timed research.

If you’re missing an evolved Community Day Pokemon, here’s the full list of Pokemon that can be evolved between 9 AM and 9 PM during the event to unlock a featured move.

Venusaur Evolve Ivysaur (Bulbasaur’s Evolution) during the event to get a Venusaur that knows the Charged Attack Frenzy Plant.Sandslash Evolve Sandshrew during the event to get a Sandslash that knows the Charged Attack Night Slash.Alolan Sandslash Evolve Alolan Sandshrew during the event to get an Alolan Sandslash that knows the Fast Attack Shadow Claw.Alolan Golem Evolve Alolan Graveler (Alolan Geodude’s Evolution) during the event to get an Alolan Golem that knows the Fast Attack Rollout.Dragonite Evolve Dragonair (Dratini’s Evolution) during the event to get a Dragonite that knows the Charged Attack Draco Meteor.Jumpluff Evolve Skiploom (Hoppip’s Evolution) during the event to get a Jumpluff that knows the Charged Attack Acrobatics.Swampert Evolve Marshtomp (Mudkip’s Evolution) during the event to get a Swampert that knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon.Walrein Evolve Sealeo (Spheal’s Evolution) during the event to get a Walrein that knows the Fast Attack Powder Snow and the Charged Attack Icicle Spear.Staraptor Evolve Staravia (Starly’s Evolution) during the event to get a Staraptor that knows the Fast Attack Gust.Gigalith Evolve Boldore (Roggenrola’s Evolution) during the event to get a Gigalith that knows the Charged Attack Meteor Beam.Chandelure Evolve Lampent (Litwick’s Evolution) during the event to get a Chandelure that knows the Charged Attack Poltergeist.Hydreigon Evolve Zweilous (Deino’s Evolution) during the event to get a Hydreigon that knows the Charged Attack Brutal Swing.Bewear Evolve Stufful during the event to get a Bewear that knows the Charged Attack Drain Punch.Obstagoon Evolve Galarian Linoone (Galarian Zigzagoon’s Evolution) during the event to get an Obstagoon that knows the Charged Attack Obstruct.

Teddiursa evolution Ursaluna is a special case: players wanting to unlock the Charged Attack High Horsepower will have to evolve an Ursaring into Ursaluna between 2 PM Saturday to 6 AM Sunday, or between 2 PM and 9 PM Sunday, during the event’s “special full moon”.

Players wanting more opportunities to encounter Community Day Pokemon will also be able to purchase a $1 Special Research story, or gift it to friends.

About Hayley Williams

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