Pokemon Go's Halloween Event Begins This Week

As we reach the halfway point in Pokemon Go‘s current Season of Mischief, Niantic’s AR Pokemon game is gearing up for Halloween. The event includes new story content, bonuses, creepy costumes for both Pokemon and Trainers, and plenty of spooky Pokemon appearing more often in the world.

The Season of Mischief storyline continues, with trainers asked to investigate the mythical Pokemon Hoopa. The Halloween event will bring two new updates to the Hoopa investigation, with the first available from October 15, and the second arriving on October 22. A new Special Research story based around mask-wearing Pokemon Yamask will also be available.

The GO Battle League will be getting a Halloween Cup through October, as well as Timed Research tasks based around participating in the Cup.

Throughout the event a number of extra bonuses will be in play, including double Transfer Candy, Catch Candy, Hatch Candy, and guaranteed Candy XL when you walk with your buddy.

In exciting news for fans of old-school Pokemon, Niantic is bringing back the iconic Lavender Town theme, with a remixed version of the song playing nightly during the event. Those looking to get into the season can also buy a handful of new Halloween-themed avatar items and bundles, as well as looking out for wild Pikachu, Piplup, and Drifblim sporting spooky costumes.

Featured Pokemon will rotate with the two parts of the event: the first is Creepy Companions, which will run between October 15 and October 22 and will feature Psychic and Poison type Pokemon. Making its debut in the game is Galarian Slowking, obtained by evolving from Galarian Slowpoke, which is available from one-star raids during the event. A number of Psychic and Poison type Pokemon will be showing up in the wild, in raids, in eggs, and through field research encounters, you can see the full list here.

The second part of the event is called Ghoulish Pals, running from October 22 to October 31, and featuring Ghost type Pokemon. A number of new Pokemon will debut in this event, including Phantump, Trevenant, Pumpkaboo, and Gourgeist. Niantic is also introducing a new mechanic, where Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist will appear in four different sizes that will be visibly different in-game. Plenty of other Ghost type Pokemon will also be available again in wild encounters, raids, eggs, and field research encounters. Check out the full list for the second half of this event here.

About Hayley Williams

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