Pokemon Go’s Psychic Spectacular Event Returns In September

Niantic is bringing back Pokemon Go’s Psychic Spectacular event from 10 AM on September 6 to 8 PM on September 12 local time. The Psychic Spectacular events have always featured Psychic-type Pokemon, and this upcoming one will be no exception. September’s event will feature Deoxys and Mega Alakazam. A new Shiny Elgyem will also be making its first debut ever in Pokemon Go.

A special Deoxys raid day will also occur on September 11 from 2 PM to 5 PM local time. Deoxys will appear at a higher frequency in all five-star raids in all forms. Trainers can also earn five additional raid passes by spinning gyms.

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One-Star Raids: Unown E, Unown P, Unown S, EspurrThree-Star Raids: Alolan Raichu, Wobbuffet, Girafarig, OranguruFive-Star Raids: Normal Forme Deoxys, Attack Forme Deoxys, Defense Forme, Deoxys, Speed Forme DeoxysMega Raids: Mega Alakazam

Wild Encounters

AbraSlowpokeDrowzeeNatuRaltsSpoinkMunnaWoobatGothitaSolosisElgyemIf you’re lucky, you might encounter the following: Kadabra and Kirlia

Field Research

BaltoyChimechoIf you’re lucky, Hypno

7km Eggs


Timed Research will focus on curveball throws, and completing these will earn players chances to encounter Elygem.

Deoxys is unique in that it has four different Formes: Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed. Whatever Forme it has, its stats will lean heavily towards the Forme’s name. For example, Attack Deoxys has high Attack, and Defense Deoxys has high Defense. Normal Deoxys has a balance between Attack and Defense stats. As for what attacks to use in Raid encounters, Deoxys is vulnerable to Dark, Bug, and Ghost type attacks.

In related Pokemon Go news, a special Inkay Research will take place on September 3 from 11 AM to 2 PM local time. The chances of running into a Shiny Inkay during the even will be increased, and if players are lucky, they will have a chance of running into Galarian Zigzagoon.

For more Pokemon news, be sure to check out these stories:

Grafaifai, The Toxic Monkey, Debuts In New Pokemon Scarlet And Violet TrailersPokemon Go’s Next Safari Zone Is In South KoreaPokemon Go’s September To November Community Days AnnouncedPokemon Go Leveling GuideSee More

About Jenny Zheng

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