Pokemon Go's Water Festival Returns This Week

Pokemon Go‘s Water Festival is back again for 2022, bringing with it a handful of new Pokemon debuts, a new Legendary raid, event bonuses, and more. The event will include the debut of Dewpider and its evolution, Araquanid, as well as a new version of Lapras sporting a festive blue scarf, with the Water Festival running from 10 AM on Thursday May 12 to 8 PM on Friday May 20 in players’ local time.

New Pokemon Dewpider can be caught from wild encounters, appearing more frequently for the duration of the event. Dewpider can also be caught from field research encounters, and players can use 50 Dewpider candy to evolve Araquanid.

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As well as the new debut, two new variants of existing Pokemon are being added into the game. The first is a new version of Lapras, all dressed up in a blue scarf for the Water Festival. The scarf-wearing Lapras will be available from three-star raids, and rarely will show up in Field Research encounters. Players will also be able to buy their avatar a matching Water Festival scarf from the in-game shop.

Pokemon Go has also added a new shiny version of barnacle Pokemon Binacle for the first time, with chances to encounter both regular and shiny Binacle from wild encounters, hatching from eggs, and showing up in Field Research encounters.

A new five-star raid has also been added, giving players the chance to catch Legendary Pokemon Tapu Fini, the guardian deity of Poni Island.

As well as all the water-themed Pokemon that will be showing up more often for the duration of the event, which you can check out on the Pokemon Go blog, a handful of bonuses will also be in play. During the Water Festival, Rainy Lure Modules will last for two hours, and players will get double Candy and increased Candy XL when they hatch eggs. Trainers will also be able to unlock a special Global Challenge bonuse reward of double Candy for catching Pokemon, which will be unlocked when 600,000,000 Water-type Pokemon have been caught globally during the event.

About Hayley Williams

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