Pokemon Is Back At McDonald's With More Cards To Collect

Pokemon is back at McDonald’s once more, offering Happy Meal customers some themed-goodies.

Those that opt for the toy option will get a packet of four Pokemon cards, a coin, and a colorful spin top too. McDonald’s no longer features plastic toys in its Happy Meals anymore, so everything included will likely be made of paper or cardboard. Alternatively, there are a couple of Pokemon Essential Handbooks up for groups that dive into the collectable critters, alongside some activities, too.

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Now Playing: World Overview | Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet

Returning is the incredibly adorable Pikachu-themed happy meal box, which is adorned with little popout ears to really sell the fact that this is just a box-shaped electric mouse. The tweet announcing the collaboration is back quite literally just says “It’s back,” so it’s likely ads for the Happy Meal will start popping up.

All in all it, seems pretty similar to the last time that Pokemon collaborated with McDonald’s, which was of course immediately ruined by adults trying to scalp something that is literally designed for children.

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet recently had a new overview trailer which finally confirmed the name of the region, Paldea, as well as showing off the latest generation’s gimmick, the much-too-shiny looking Terestallize mechanic. This new mechanic transforms Pokemon into crystalized versions of themselves, complete with funny hats, which boosts stats and can sometimes change the Pokemon’s type.

The internet’s new favorite dog Pokemon Fidough was also shown off, as well as a new regional version of Wooper. One of the best things confirmed in the recent trailer is that there will be three campaigns to play through, one of which is the traditional gym challenge, but the other two haven’t been revealed yet.

About Oisin Kuhnke

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