Pokemon Scarlet And Violet: How To Get The Lucky Egg

The Lucky Egg is back in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and there’s not much you have to do to get it. The experience boosting item is free for the taking after you pass a certain milestone. This guide explains how to get the Lucky Egg and what to do with it once it’s all yours.

How to get the Lucky Egg in Scarlet and Violet

Professor Jacq, the biology teacher, rewards you with the Lucky Egg, after you earn your fifth Gym Badge. You can tackle Scarlet and Violet’s Gyms in any order, but if you’re following our recommended order, that would be:

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Once you have your fifth badge in hand, travel back to Mesagoza and enter the academy. Interact with the computer at the reception desk, and head to the biology class to speak with Mr. Jacq.

The Lucky Egg isn’t tied to your Pokedex progress or completing any class exams–though you should still be completing the class exams as they unlock anyway–so you can just waltz in and claim your prize.

What is the Lucky Egg for?

The Lucky Egg is a hold item that doubles the number of experience points the Pokemon holding it receives in battle. That may seem a bit unnecessary in Scarlet and Violet, with Auto-Battle and the automatic experience share feature. However, if you’re after a fast way to level Egg Pokemon or have a particular ‘mon who needs a bit of extra attention, the Lucky Egg is your ticket to fast growth.

There’s only one Lucky Egg, though, so make sure to choose wisely when deciding who should hold it.

If you’re looking for some more tips, check out our list of things we wish we knew before starting Scarlet and Violet so you don’t have to make the same mistakes we did. And to get another strong new Paldea Pokemon to your team, have a look at how to evolve Charcadet, whose final form changes depending on which version of Scarlet and Violet you’re playing.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – Tips For BeginnersSee More

About Josh Broadwell

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