Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Players Can Grab A Free Dark-Type Tera Charizard Right Now

Since it first launched last year, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has regularly handed out some great pocket monsters, provided that you were able to beat them in a Tera Raid during limited-time events. For the next month, you’ll be able to get your hands on a very rare Charizard without having to mutter obscenities at your screen when your Ghost-type Primeape strategy fails at the worst possible moment, as this version of the first-generation Fire-type starter will be free to download.

To celebrate the release of Pokemon: Scarlet & Violet–Obsidian Flames, the new expansion to the trading card game, Nintendo is giving away a Dark-Tera Type Charizard that you can receive via the Mystery Gift option in the game. This Charizard is available right now, and you have until August 31 to claim it.

To add this Charizard to your Pokemon collection, all you need to do is:

Launch your Pokemon Scarlet or Violet gameSelect Poke Portal on the X MenuSelect Mystery GiftSelect “Get with code or password” and connect onlineEnter the password DARKTERA0006Download your new CharizardSave your game

This is a pretty great Charizard as well and it has the potential to be incredibly powerful depending on how you raise it from its level 50 starting point. In other Pokemon news, the first chapter in Scarlet and Violet’s upcoming two-part expansion, The Teal Mask, will be released sometime this fall. Pokemon Sleep has also been released, and while the game promotes healthy sleeping habits with a Pokemon twist, some people are naturally trying to exploit the game’s mobile systems by skipping the need to take a snooze.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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