Pokemon Sleep, New Pokemon Go Plus + Device Launching In 2023

A long-dormant Pokemon game has finally arisen from its slumber, as Pokemon Sleep–which was first announced in May 2019–re-emerged during the Pokemon Presents livestream earlier today. A new device compatible with the game, Pokemon Go Plus +, was also revealed for the first time.

Pokemon Sleep is a game centered around the player’s sleep habits, which will be measured and analyzed in order to progress through the game. A slumbering Snorlax appears on the screen when the player first goes to sleep, but it will be joined by other sleeping Pokemon throughout the night, and multiple “sleep styles” can be collected based on the Pokemon that appear during the night.

The game will make use of the new Pokemon Go Plus + device, which was also unveiled in the Pokemon Presents video. Players can press the button when first going to bed, after which a Pikachu living inside the device will sing lullabies and help the player fall asleep. Once awake, pressing the button will log sleep for the night and send the data to the game.

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As the name implies, the Pokemon Go Plus + device will also work in Pokemon Go, and it will allow players to spin PokeStops and attempt to catch wild Pokemon without opening the app, simply by pressing the button. Data from Pokemon Sleep will also be incorporated into Pokemon Go–though the exact functionality was not explained–and those who link Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Go will receive a special Snorlax variant wearing a sleeping cap.

Pokemon Sleep is scheduled to launch “later this year,” while the Pokemon Go Plus + device has been set for a July 14 launch.

About Jason Fanelli

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