Pokemon Sleep Reveals Update Roadmap, With More Pokemon Coming Soon

Pokemon Sleep has been out for almost a month now, and developer Select Button has revealed what’s next for the gamified sleep-tracking app. First and most importantly, new Pokemon are being added to supplement the 104 Pokemon currently available in game, but future updates will also include bug fixes and quality-of-life changes.

Pokemon Sleep launched with a relatively small Pokedex, with just 104 Pokemon initially able to be encountered. The current list is surprisingly spread across generations, with Pokemon available from the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Kalos regions.

The Pokemon Sleep team hasn’t specified what new Pokemon will be added first, though the current list has some obvious holes to be filled. There’s only one Dragon-type Pokemon currently available in-game, for example, which is Altaria. The fan-favorite Dragon-type evolution line including Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite isn’t in the game yet, while Pokemon Sleep also has yet to include any Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.

In updates that concern the practical side of the sleep-tracking app, Select Button is also working on adding more options for players that use the app’s relaxing sleep sounds or alarm sounds–anyone who’s tried out the app’s aggressive built-in alarm tone will understand the appeal of having other options to choose from. Pokemon Sleep will also be implementing a night mode for the game’s currently blindingly white loading screen.

Select Button has also announced its first event for Pokemon Sleep, which will be “Good Sleep Day” on August 30. A post on the event has explained that, due to the full moon on August 30, “Snorlax’s Drowsy Power will be stronger than usual.” More info on the event will be released soon.

A number of known issues are also on the list to be fixed soon, including issues around goal bedtimes and berries and ingredients appearing on the screen in a position that’s difficult to collect. Overall, the Pokemon Sleep team is also working on improving the game’s performance, including its battery usage while the app is tracking sleep.

As a thank you to early adopters of the game, everyone who logs in to Pokemon Sleep by September 2 will get a free gift including 10 Poke Biscuits, 30 Handy Candy S, one Growth Incense, and one Focus Incense.

Select Button has said that it will update players through in-game mail when it has a release date for these upcoming updates.

About Hayley Williams

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