Pokemon Unite Attacker Guide: Move Lists, Stats, And Strategies For All Attacker Type Pokemon

With Pokemon Unite now on mobile after a month on Nintendo Switch, a whole new group of gamers are going to get a taste of a MOBA for the first time ever. This is no ordinary Pokemon game, as it features a completely different format, battle system, and objective, but we are here to lead you through. In this guide we’re talking about the offensive-minded character of Pokemon Unite, the Attacker types. Seven different Pokemon from across the franchise’s history make up this class, focusing on dealing damage quickly and often. If being in the heat of battle is your style, then the Attacker is for you.

Alolan Ninetales

Alolan Ninetales is classified as an Attacker, but “disruptor” may be a better term. A lot of its moveset revolves around using the environment to its advantage, whether it’s blocking paths with Avalanche or creating Blizzard cyclones. Its ability to freeze opponents in place with successful attacks is a boon as well, as it can then get in close to frozen opponents and let the passive Snow Warning take effect. Add the protection of Aurora Veil for it and its teammates and you’ll be in business. While some Attackers take a more direct and easier approach to dealing damage, Alolan Ninetales’s unpredictable moveset makes it a good choice if you’re looking for a more unconventional Pokemon to take into battle..

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Intermediate


Offense – 8Endurance – 3Mobility – 3Scoring – 5Support – 6

Evolution levels: Alolan Vulpix Start | Alolan Ninetales at Lvl. 4

Special Moves:

Powder Snow – Direct ranged attack that decreases movement speed of opponents it damages. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 4 to one of the following: Avalanche – Forms an icy wall that cannot be passed through, dealing damage to opponents near it when it collapses. At Lvl. 11 it decreases movement speed of damaged opponents.Dazzling Gleam – Attacks with a cone-shaped beam that damages and stuns opponents. 7.5 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 damage dealt and stun time is increased.Icy Wind – Gust of cold wind that decreases movement speed of opponents it damages. Cooldown is 8 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 6 to one of the following: Blizzard – An icy cyclone deals damage over time to all opponents inside of it while also decreasing movement speed and shoving opponents back. If the move hits an obstacle, it will split to either side of it and create two smaller cyclones. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the time between hits while the cyclone is active is decreased.Aurora Veil – Creates aurora force field that decreases damage dealt to all allies inside. Also increases Alolan Ninetales’s movement speed and boosts all basic attacks. 13 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 damage to allies is decreased further.Passive Skill: Snow Warning – Temporarily freezes opponents after consecutive successful special moves and boosted basic attacks. Opponents who get too close to Alolan Ninetales take damage and have movement speed decreased.Unite Move: Snow Globe – Snow and ice attack that deals area-of-effect damage to opponents. Damage is increased if the opponent is Frozen.


You may look at Cinderace’s Endurance stat below and wonder if it can stay alive long enough to have any effect on a match. If so, you are underestimating a truly amazing Attacker. Cinderace’s ability to inflict burns on opponents with Ember and Pyro Ball gives it a big advantage, slowing chipping away their health. Meanwhile Feint is a potential momentum-shifting move, as it can instantly change Cinderace from being stunned or knocked into the air to invincible with increased speed. We wouldn’t recommend leading Cinderace into battle alone–that’s when the low endurance will rear its ugly head–but with a Defender or Supporter next to it there are few Attackers that can be as dangerous as Cinderace.

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Novice


Offense – 8Endurance – 3Mobility – 6Scoring – 5Support – 1

Evolution levels: Scorbunny Start | Raboot at Lvl. 5 | Cinderace at Lvl. 7

Special Moves:

Ember – Small flame attack damages one opponent and burns them, inflicting damage for the opponent’s next three actions. Cooldown is 6 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 7 to one of the following: Pyro Ball – Ball of fire shot in a straight line, damaging and inflicting a Burn on every Pokemon it hits. Cooldown is 7 seconds. At Lvl. 11 Cinderace’s basic attacks reduce this move’s cooldown up to three times.Blaze Kick – A dive kick targeted at a designated area that knocks opponents back and inflicts a burn. Cinderace returns to its original position after the move is complete. Cooldown is 8 seconds. At Lvl. 11 basic attack speed is increased if this hits.Low Sweep – Low sweep attack that damages opponents. Cinderace’s next boosted basic attack will cause reduced movement speed. Cooldown is 7.5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 8 to one of the following: Flame Charge – Charges into enemies and deals damage. Cinderace’s next basic attack range and damage are increased. 6 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 basic attack speed is increased.Feint – Increases Cinderace’s movement speed and makes it temporarily invincible. Can be activated to cancel hindrances affecting Cinderace. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 Cinderace’s next three basic attacks restore health.Passive Skill: Blaze – When Cinderace is at half health Critical Hit damage is increased, Special Moves boost Basic Attacks, and successful attacks add a stack of flames to opponents resulting in a burst of damage on the fifth stack.Unite Move: Blazing Bicycle Kick – Giant fireball is kicked to a selected location, causing area-of-effect damage to opponents. Temporarily increases Cinderace’s speed.


Cramorant should always be at the front of the group. Its attacks can target multiple Pokemon at a time and inflict status effects, while its passive skill Gulp Missile offers an extra automatic counter hit to whichever enemy attacks it first. So long as Cramorant stays in the area of its own attacks, it can continuously reload that passive skill and always have a counter on tap. Its decent endurance makes it a better frontline candidate than other Attackers. With its strong Offense and no evolutions it will be dealing a ton of damage for the entire match. Cramorant is the kind of Pokemon that can set the tone early in a match and never let up, making it a force to be reckoned with.

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Expert


Offense – 8Endurance – 6Mobility – 6Scoring – 3Support – 1

Evolution levels: None

Special Moves:

Whirlpool – Area of effect attack that damages anyone in contact. Area of effect shrinks over time, but damage increases. Cramorant can grab prey for Gulp Missile by entering area of effect. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 4 to one of the following: Surf – Attacks with a wave in one direction, then reverses for a second attack. Pokemon damaged twice are knocked back by the second wave. Cramorant can grab prey by entering wave. At Lvl. 11 the wave can lock an opponent’s moves for a short time.Dive – Creates a puddle that Cramorant dives into, dealing damage and knocking back Pokemon it hits. Can be used three times before cooldown begins. At Lvl. 11 damage is increased.Feather Dance – Decreases attack power and movement speed of affected Pokemon for a short time. Cooldown is 8 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 6 to one of the following: Hurricane – A strong wind throws Pokemon caught in it, damaging them when they hit the ground. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 opponents’ Defense and Special Defense are reduced on hit.Air Slash – Shoots sharp winds for damage while jumping back to create distance. 5 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the move’s cooldown is reduced for every shot that connects.Passive Skill: Gulp Missile – Automatically counters opponents’ attacks with the Pokemon in its mouth. Using other moves restores “ammo” after use. The more HP Cramorant has, the better Pokemon will appear in its mouth for counterattack.Unite Move: Gatling Gulp Missile – Forms a puddle under Cramorant, who grabs multiple Arrokuda and shoots them at nearby opponents. Cramorant cannot use other moves while Gatling Gulp Missile is active.


Gardevoir, like Cinderace, is not an Attacker that should be entering a fight by itself. While its damage output is very high, its defense is far too low to be able to handle anything more than a one-on-one encounter. Teleport allows for a quick exit in the early stages of a match, while Moonblast offers a ton of versatility in the late-game by creating distance and stunning the closest enemy to Gardevoir instantly. Psyshock offers incredible power and multiple hits, so it’s a great move to throw into a group while setting up a Moonblast. It’ll need some protecting, but Gardevoir packs a tremendous psychic punch and makes for a prime choice at Attacker.

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Intermediate


Offense – 9Endurance – 3Mobility – 3Scoring – 6Support – 3

Evolution levels: Ralts Start | Kirlia at Lvl. 6 | Gardevoir at Lvl. 10

Special Moves:

Teleport – Warps to designated position and increases attack power of next basic attack. Cooldown is 11 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 6 to one of the following: Psyshock – Three quick psychic blast area-of-effect attacks. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 each attack’s damage is boosted.Future Sight – Activates a delayed explosion that damages opponents and reduces this move’s cooldown on hit. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 cooldown is removed.Confusion – Psychic attack that shoots in a straight line. Cooldown is 4.5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 8 to one of the following: Psychic – Psychic attack that creates a psychic field doing area-of-effect damage and lowering the movement speed of all opponents inside the area. 7 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 cooldown is reduced.Moonblast – Cone-shaped psychic beam that sends Gardevoir backwards and stuns the opponent closest to Gardevoir. 6 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the move grants Gardevoir a shield.Passive Skill: Synchronize – Whenever Gardevoir receives damage over time or its speed is slowed, the affliction is reflected on the Pokemon who caused it.Unite Move: Fairy Singularity – Creates a singularity that pulls Pokemon in then explodes, knocking opponents back and dealing major damage.


Greninja wields an interesting moveset, one focused on disruption and obstruction as much as it focuses on dealing damage. Moves like Substitute, Double Team, and Smokescreen give Greninja options for getting around the battlefield while distracting opponents with smoke or copies of itself, allowing for a quick counterattack while the opponent is vulnerable. Its offensive arsenal is potent despite the non-damage moves, with both Water Shuriken and Surf healing Greninja as they attack the opposing team. Greninja is far from a straightforward choice, but its ability to throw a wrench into an opposing team’s plans could be a momentum shifter for your squad.

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Expert


Offense – 8Endurance – 4Mobility – 6Scoring – 6Support – 1

Evolution levels: Froakie Start | Frogadier at Lvl. 5 | Greninja at Lvl. 7

Special Moves:

Bubble – Sprays bubbles at opponents, damaging them and lowering movement speed. Cooldown is 9 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 5 to one of the following: Water Shuriken – Creates and throws multiple shurikens made of water. Movement speed is increased while using the move, and every successful hit restores some of Greninja’s HP. 8 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 more shurikens are created.Surf – Rides a wave into opponents, damaging them and restoring some of Greninja’s HP. If this move knocks out an opponent, the cooldown is reset. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 more HP is restored on hit.Substitute – Quickly moves forward, leaving a small doll as a distraction. Cooldown is 8 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 7 to one of the following: Double Team – Quick movement away from current position while creating copies to help in battle. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 cooldown is reduced.Smokescreen – Rolls in the designated direction while leaving a trail of smoke behind, rendering Greninja invisible and increasing its speed. Greninja’s next attack is boosted. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 damage output is increased after smoke disappears.Passive Skill: Torrent – Increases movement speed and attack damage when HP is less than half.Unite Move: Waterburst Shuriken – Greninja throws a giant water shuriken down to the ground from above.


Being the most popular Pokemon in the world, it makes sense that Pikachu is a quick and easy Pokemon to learn as most people will pick it up first. Pikachu thrives on the front lines, pressuring the entire opposing team with moves like Thunder and Thunderbolt, but it is a glass cannon thanks to that low Endurance number. If you’re worried about being left alone with enemies, Electro Ball’s speed drop could give you an out to regroup. Pikachu will not survive alone against multiple opponents, but it can pack a wallop if it’s well protected.

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Novice


Offense – 9Endurance – 3Mobility – 3Scoring – 4Support – 3

Evolution levels: None

Special Moves:

Thunder Shock – Area of effect attack that damages and slows anyone in contact. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 4 to one of the following: Electro Ball – Area of effect attack that damages and slows anyone in contact. 5 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the move’s damage is boosted.Thunder – Multiple thunderbolts strike and damage any Pokemon they contact. 8 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 more thunderbolts are summoned.Electro Web – Attack that damages and “roots” (immobilizes) Pokemon it contacts. Cooldown is 9 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 6 to one of the following: Volt Tackle – Charges into enemies, damaging them and sending them into the air temporarily. 10 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 cooldown is reduced.Thunderbolt – Strong electric blast that damages and stuns enemies it contacts. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 damage output is increased.Passive Skill: Static – When damaged, all enemy Pokemon around Pikachu are slowed for a short time.Unite Move: Thunderstorm – Multiple powerful lightning bolts strike all around Pikachu.


Venusaur is not content to attack just one enemy at a time. Each of its attacks are tailored to inflict as much damage as possible to as many opponents as possible. Petal Dance damages anyone standing near Venusaur, while Sludge Bomb creates an area that slowly saps the enemy’s HP. Also, thanks to his passive skill Overgrow’s attack boost at low HP, Venusaur is never truly out of the fight until it’s knocked out. Venusaur can wreak havoc on the entire opposing team, so make sure he’s in the thick of the action whenever possible.

Role: Attacker

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Intermediate


Offense – 9Endurance – 4Mobility – 4Scoring – 5Support – 1

Evolution levels: Bulbasaur Start | Ivysaur at Lvl. 5 | Venusaur at Lvl. 9

Special Moves:

Seed Bomb – Hurls a seed at a designated spot for an area of effect attack. Cooldown is 6 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 5 to one of the following: Sludge Bomb – Sludge is thrown at a designated spot, creating an area that does damage over time and lowers the movement speed and special defense of opponents inside the area. 7 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the move’s area of effect is increased.Giga Drain – Steals HP from nearby opponents while also reducing damage Venusaur receives for a short time. 8 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 more HP is stolen on hit.Razor Leaf – Multiple sharp leaves are thrown into a designated area, damaging all opponents in the area. Cooldown is 9 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 7 to one of the following: Petal Dance – Petals appear around Venusaur, increasing its movement speed and inflicting damage over time to opponents nearby. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the area of effect is increased.Solar Beam – Shoots a cone of energy forward. Time between activation and attack is delayed slightly while the move charges. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 both the move’s charge time and cooldown are reduced.Passive Skill: Overgrow – Increases attack damage when HP is lowUnite Move: Verdant Anger – Powerful seed bomb explodes, sending smaller seed explosions in an area-of-effect move that damages all Pokemon in that area.

About Jason Fanelli

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