Pokemon Unite Builds Guide: Top Ranked Player Shares Their Tips

Pokemon Unite has been out for two weeks, which is enough time for high-level players to get a feel for the game and try out its various mechanics and build types. One player has caught the attention of the community by openly sharing their Move builds and Gear loadouts.

The player, known as Bocky GA in the leaderboards, has shared their builds on social media (via the Pokemon Unite subreddit). While placements are constantly shifting among the top players, Bocky is ranked #14 worldwide as of the time of writing, and has achieved the Master rank.

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A lot of this comes down to personal preference and team composition, so if you have better luck with a different build, stick with what works. Some recommendations also come with situational context, like recommending a slightly different build for whether you’re going to the top or bottom lane, playing on Switch or mobile, etc. And Gardevoir, as the newest Pokemon to be added, has a move build recommendation but no gear loadout recommendation yet.

Of course, even with these moves and gear equipped, you’ll need to remember the MOBA fundamentals: stick to your lane, support your teammates, don’t get caught up against two opponents, and so on. These won’t make your Eldegoss into a single-monster wrecking crew, but they will help you get the most out of their abilities and unique talents. As always, these builds are bound to change as more Pokemon get added and the meta shifts.

It’s also worth noting which gear gets no love: Leftovers, Aeos Cookie, Attack Weight, and Rocky Helmet. Those aren’t recommended in any builds, and so the wisdom of at least one pro player would suggest they’re less useful than a lot of the other items. Since gear can be powered up with the very limited currency of Aeos Tickets–a point that has prompted pay-to-win criticisms–you don’t want to waste them on gear you won’t use.

Check below for the recommended builds, and for more, read our Pokemon Unite review and our full suite of Pokemon Unite guides.

Pokemon Move Builds Gear Loadouts
Lucario Power-up Punch (level 5)Bone Rush (level 7) Muscle BandScope LensFloat Stone
Machamp Submission (level 5)Cross Chop (level 7) Muscle BandScope LensFloat Stone / Focus Band
Charizard Top: Flamethrower / Bottom: Fire Punch (level 5)Top: Fire Blast / Bottom: Flare Blitz (level 7) Muscle BandFloat StoneEnergy Amplifier

Heavy Slam (level 6)Block (level 8)

Focus BandBuddy BarrierTop: Assault Vest / Bottom: EXP Share
Cinderace Blaze Kick (level 7)Feint (level 8) Muscle BandFloat StoneScope Lens / Buddy Barrier
Gengar Sludge Bomb (level 5)Hex (level 7) Shell BellWise GlassesSp. Atk Specs
Slowbro Surf (level 4)Telekinesis (level 6) Focus BandBuddy BarrierTop: Assault Vest / Bottom: EXP Share
Cramorant Hurricane (level 4)Surf (level 6) Shell BellWise GlassesBuddy Barrier / Energy Amplifier
Alolan Ninetails Dazzling Gleam (level 4)Blizzard (level 6) Shell BellWise GlassesBuddy Barrier
Mr. Mime Confusion (level 4)Barrier (level 6) Wise GlassesBuddy BarrierShell Bell / Focus Band
Garchomp Dragon Rush (level 6)Dragon Claw (level 8) Muscle BandFloat StoneScope Lens / Focus Band / Assault Vest
Pikachu Electro Ball (level 4)Switch: Volt Tackle / Mobile: Thunderbolt (level 6) Shell BellWise GlassesBuddy Barrier
Greninja Smokescreen (level 5)Water Shuriken (level 7) Muscle BandFloat StoneScope Lens / Focus Band / Buddy Barrier

Shell Smash (level 4)X-Scissor (level 6)

Focus BandBuddy BarrierScore Shield / Assault Vest
Zeraora Spark (level 6)Discharge (level 8)

Muscle BandFloat StoneEnergy Amplifier

Eldegoss Leaf Tornado (level 4)Cotton Guard (level 6) EXP ShareFocus BandBuddy Barrier
Venusaur Giga Drain / Sludge Bomb if teamed with Gengar (level 5)Solar Beam (level 7) Shell BellWise GlassesSp. Atk Specs / Focus Band
Talonflame Flame Charge (level 5)Fly (level 7) Muscle BandFloat StoneEnergy Amplifier
Absol Night Slash (level 5)Psycho Cut (level 7) Muscle BandFloat StoneScope Lens
Wigglytuff Rollout or Sing as preferred (level 4)Double Slap (level 6) Shell BellWise GlassesBuddy Barrier
Gardevoir Psyshock or Future Sight as preferred (level 6)Moonblast (level 8) N/A

About Steve Watts

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