Predator: Hunting Grounds Launches On Steam, Adds New Map

A year since it first launched on PS4, Predator: Hunting Grounds has made its way to PC via Steam. To celebrate the game landing on a new platform, developer Illfonic unveiled a new map, updates, and other additions for the game.

For players who purchase the game on Steam, there’ll be the option to jump into the standard edition or a more deluxe version that adds five different Predators–Viking, Samurai, Valkyrie, Jungle Hunter, and City Hunter–three additional masks, and six war paints. Illfonic also noted that cross-play has been enabled and that all progress in-game is stored on a per-platform basis that makes it non-transferable between platforms.

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For the new Airstrip map, Illfonic described it in a PlayStation Blog post as an arena that emphasizes vertical limits with fights breaking out on hangar roofs and run-down radio towers. It also has open areas that guerilla snipers can use to their advantage when they’re in a fireteam, while the Predator won’t be able to easily escape into the trees. Players can still hide inside of airplanes to escape enemy fire, but if they encounter a Predator in that claustrophobic space then they’re as good as dead.

“The Airstrip map took our team about seven months to develop from concept to creation,’ Illfonic CEO Charles Brungardt said. “It will offer 12 different missions that will have you dodging bullets as you weave through homes, radio towers, multiple Stargazer encampments, airplane hangars, and an airstrip littered with planes and choppers, all scattered throughout the thick jungle.”

The Airstrip map also hosts the new game CLASH, which features multiple chokepoints as players race to secure a location while waves of enemies descend on them. Illfonic advises making a private modified match for this mode, which includes using bottomless magazines, increased explosion damage, big heads, and lots of rocket launchers for maximum absurdity.

As for players who prefer to stalk their opponents while cloaked as the Predator, they’ll be able to unlock a number of new cosmetics in field lockers and a number of class specializations are on the way. A few of these classes include:

Hunter/Jungle Hunter: Tracker – Target isolation ignores mud.Scout: Ghost – Melee attacking from cloak deals additional damage.Berserker: Savage – Claiming restores health.Alpha: Wrathful – After receiving enemy fireteam damage from behind, your next melee attack deals increased damage.Elder: Vicious – Opponents, you bleed out faster while downed and take longer to revive.

The rest of the year will see new Predators, characters, maps, and more released for the game. To see all these changes in more detail, you can check out the Predator: Hunting Grounds forum for a very detailed breakdown of the latest patch.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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