Project Winter Gets Big Content Update, Price Permanently Lowered

Project Winter gives players a great way to never trust their friends again, placing traitors among a group of survivors who just want to, well, survive.

Starting today, traitors will have even more tools at their disposal to make survivors’ lives hell, and the game is getting a new low price to celebrate.

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Now Playing: Project Winter – 2.5 Million Community Celebration/Update Trailer

The free update, which comes as Project Winter passes 2.5 million players, includes four traitor items:

Disguise Kit: Lets traitor look exactly like a living or dead survivor, but only onceIce Bombs: Creates large amount of smoke to obscure vision and also rapidly chill survivorsSnow Shoes: Removes footprints and noise from walking in snow, increases movement speed for short timeSound Emitter: Trap that emits audio clips over long distances and then self-destructs

More updates are also planned for later this year. Developer Other Ocean also said in the announcement that it has “possible teases” planned for its “next project,” but didn’t specify what kind of game that would be.

Project Winter is available across PC, Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One for $10, as well as for iOS and Android devices for free as Project Winter Mobile. The game plays like similar meta-gaming multiplayer titles like Among Us or Trouble in Terrorist Town, but often with a whole lot more chaos. Cross-play is supported between PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch, as well as separate cross-play between iOS and Android. You can see a full trailer for the new update above.

This story has been updated to remove a reference to a graphics overhaul.

About Gabe Gurwin

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