Square Enix announced a new strategy game to cap off the PlayStation State of Play event, and despite how it may look, it isn’t a Final Fantasy Tactics entry. Instead, The Diofield Chronicle is apparently an all-new tactics IP featuring several warring nations–a classic strategy setup–and a mix of anime-style 3D models and more-realistic environments.
Despite the contrasting environments and characters, the game is not using the 2D-HD visual style that Square Enix is so fond of these days. It remains to be seen how the elements will blend together. However, more tactics games are always welcome, especially when they seem to be trying something different with their visuals.
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Now Playing: The Diofield Chronicle Reveal Trailer | Sony State of Play March 2022
The Diofield Chronicle will release on both PS4 and PS5 in 2022, as well as Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Another tactical game with similar themes from Square Enix, Triangle Strategy, is available now on Nintendo Switch.