After being allegedly threatened with legal action from Sony over its plan to sell unofficial faceplates for the PlayStation 5, peripherals company CMP shells has revealed its new range of products for the console and how they can be attached.
Originally trading under the name of PlateStation 5 before rebranding to in October 2020 and then once again in January to its current title, CMP Shells now offers black, red, and blue shells for both the digital and regular versions of the PS5 console.
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Only 1000 shells will be made in the initial batch that is due for release by the end of February, which CMP showed off in a new video:
As for any potential lawsuits from the PS5 manufacturer, CMP claims that its pending patent for the shells will keep it out of Sony’s legal crosshairs.
“The patent is pending and all sales finalized before it’s approved are untouchable,” the company said on its website. “We didn’t know before. Now we do. Further we have not replicated anyone’s proprietary design. Our shells improve upon the original by allowing for more ventilation. We will be able to sell even after the patent is approved.”
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