PS5 Sales Surging In The UK, While Switch And Xbox Drop Off

Sales for the PlayStation 5 have increased by 180% in the UK during the first quarter of 2023, when compared to the same period in 2022. This helped push the console market overall, with a 24.2% increase in sales overall during the same time period compared to last year.

This comes by way of, which pulls data from GfK and GSD. Despite the success of consoles overall in this market, Nintendo Switch sales are down by over 25%, though it was still the second-best-selling console for Q1 2023. Xbox Series X|S sales were down by 18%. This means the PS5 was a main driver of console sales overall during this time period. The PS5 was still difficult to find during the first quarter of 2022, but now its availability has improved, making it easier to buy from retailers.

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Now Playing: The Last Of Us PS5 vs PS3

The PS5 was the best-selling console during the month of March 2023, followed by the Nintendo Switch–which actually increased in sales when compared to February 2023. Of the Switch systems sold in March, the Super Mario bundle contributed to 12.8% of sales, the White OLED bundle led to 23.6%, and the Neon Switch accounted for 26.3%.

Xbox Series X|S sales during the month of March 2023 were down by 10% compared to February. According to GfK, console sales in March 2023 were down by 3% from February 2023, but were up by 23% when compared to March 2022.

Overall, the PS5 continues to succeed in many markets, which recently PSVR 2 headset in February. However, early sales for the peripheral have been slow.

The Biggest Game Releases Of April 2023See More

About Joseph Yaden

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