PS5's Horizon Forbidden West Shows Off Giant Snake Robot At The Game Awards

Horizon Forbidden West showed up at The Game Awards with a short trailer featuring a variety of new robot enemies.

The trailer ended with a shot of a gigantic mechanical cobra coiling around a rocky tower in the desert as Aloy looked on. The original game featured a large roster of enemies, both machines and humans, and Forbidden West looks to introduce some new ones. In addition to the big snake, the trailer showcased raptors that spurt fire and a mecha Loch Ness Monster. Old favorites, like the satellite dish brontosauruses that served as open-world towers, appear to be returning.

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Now Playing: Horizon Forbidden West Gameplay + Symphony | Game Awards 2021

There also appears to be changes to Aloy’s wardrobe. One shot showed the protagonist in a red outfit and hat that look significantly more modern than any outfits players could unlock in the first game. Like the first game, Horizon Forbidden West appears to be set in a variety of biomes around the United States. The brief trailer cut between misty mountains, crystal blue ocean waters, barren deserts, and more.

After the trailer, The Game Awards Orchestra played a selection of music from the game. Vocalist Julie Elven joined the orchestra for the performance, which host Geoff Keighley described as “her first-ever performance and trip to the United States.”

The trailer closed out with a new tagline: “Rise above our ruin.” We’ll have to wait until the game launches on February 18, 2022 to find out the implications of that phrase.

About Andrew King

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