Star Wars: Eclipse Revealed With First Trailer, New Game By Quantic Dream

The Star Wars video game universe is expanding into the High Republic era with Star Wars: Eclipse, a new title coming from Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream. A trailer announcing the new game premiered during the 2021 Game Awards, although it presented little information about what the game will actually be.

You can check out the trailer below, which suggests the game is going to span quite a bit of the galaxy far, far away. Game Awards creator Geoff Keighley ended the trailer’s presentation with the announcement that the game takes place during the High Republic era, a period of time that hasn’t previously been explored in Star Wars movies. That period, set before any of the Star Wars films, finds the Republic at its peak, but clearly there are threats to the galaxy that players will have to deal with.

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Now Playing: Star Wars: Eclipse Reveal Trailer | Game Awards 2021

The game’s official website gives a few more details about what we can expect from Star Wars: Eclipse. “See the galaxy through the eyes of an ensemble cast of multiple, charismatic playable characters, each with their own morality, personality, motivations, and impact upon each other and the story at large,” it reads. The game will take you to an uncharted region of the galaxy in the Outer Rim, the website says. The game also will include new characters, and like other Quantic Dreams games, will include a branching narrative that’s heavy on dialogue and moral choices.

A Star Wars game from Quantic Dream was rumored earlier this year, but like the announcement, it included few details about what the game will actually be or what it is about. The trailer above heavily features a group of drumming aliens that look to be new to the Star Wars universe, which might be a hint at the threat the game might encompass.

About Phil Hornshaw

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