Quentin Tarantino Is Reportedly Preparing To Direct His Final Film

Quentin Tarantino has always been upfront about his retirement plans, saying that he wants to retire after making 10 films, or at the age of 60. With both milestones fast approaching, a THR report claims that Tarantino is working on the script for The Movie Critic, his 10th and final film.

According to sources quoted by THR, The Movie Critic will be set in 1970s Los Angeles and will feature a female lead. Some have speculated that the film could focus on famous film critic Pauline Kael, who was known for her sharp and witty reviews that often went against mainstream opinion. The project isn’t yet attached to a studio, but could start looking for a home as early as this week.

Since his debut with Reservoir Dogs in 1992, Tarantino has made nine films, if you count Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 as a single film. His films have netted him both critical acclaim and controversy, with Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained both earning him Academy Awards for Best Screenplay.

Tarantino has expressed a lot of thoughts about his retirement and final film in the past, saying that many directors’ final films are “horrible,” and that he wants to avoid the same fate for his own. The director has referred to his most recent film Once Upon A Time In Hollywood as his “epic” film, saying his 10th and final film will be more of an “epilogue” to end his career. It isn’t surprising then that his next film is likely to once again be situated within the world of Hollywood filmmaking.

While he’s put strict limits on his career in film, Tarantino may still pursue other creative pursuits after his retirement, expressing interest in writing stage plays and novels. He released his first novel, an adaptation of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, in 2021.

About Hayley Williams

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