Rainbow Six Siege is a game that can “last forever,” according to Ubisoft. Speaking to PC Gamer, Siege’s creative director Alexander Karpazis said that the team and tools of today can still ensure the future longevity of the 9-year-old game.
“I can confidently say that we have probably one of the best engines in the world when it comes to live PvP shooters,” Karpazis said in response to whether or not Ubisoft’s online shooter needs a sequel. “The team is incredible, and we have a huge engine pipeline team that every single month incrementally improves the way that we can deliver content faster, more robust, more stable, hopefully as much as possible.”
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The idea of switching engines isn’t in the plans. According to the creative director, doing so wouldn’t answer the needs of a competitive and demanding game like Siege. “I’m not going to name names, but you see games that did go through sequels and just completely drop the ball because they have to remake every single thing that they did in that first game,” he said.
In short, don’t expect to see a major graphical overhaul anytime soon. As noted in the PC Gamer article, Siege has received a number of improvements and new features over the years, from different weapon-handling to reworked map layouts based on community feedback.
Ubisoft shared the Year 9 roadmap this week. Starting in March, season 1 focuses on Operation Deadly Omen, which will include a new operator, attachment and ADS upgrade, a revamped shield mechanic, and an array of smaller gameplay tweaks across the board.
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