Rainbow Six Siege's Operation Brutal Swarm Update Is Out Now, Brings New Operator And Revamped Map

Rainbow Six Siege’s latest update, Operation Brutal Swarm, brings a new operator, a revamped map, and various gameplay tweaks and fixes. The update also kicks off Free Play days on PlayStation and PC until September 8.

Grim is this season’s new operator. He moves quickly, but has low health in kind. He has a 552 Commando or SG-CQB in his primary weapon slot and a P229 in his secondary weapon slot. His gadget is the Kawan Hive Launcher, a canister projectile that deploys nano bots. These miniature robots reveal the position of enemies until their batteries run out. Additionally, the map Stadium returns with new features, including indestructible bulletproof glass, and a new name: Stadium Bravo.

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Now Playing: Rainbow Six Siege: Be ready for Grim

The update also brings balance and social changes to the multiplayer shooter. Every weapon’s recoil has been newly adjusted, exclusively on PC. Console players will receive recoil updates specifically tailored to controller use in the future. Some operators will now be able to equip EMP grenades. A revamped map ban phase will let each team ban one map out of five, leaving the computer to choose between the three remaining maps.

On the social side, Rainbox Six Siege now allows for more options to report players. The update introduces phase 2 of the Reputation System and changes the plenty for abusive text chat. Most significantly, the game now allows you to report players from the Match Replay viewer.

Best Rainbow Six Siege Operators For BeginnersSee More

About Grace Benfell

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