Rainbow Six Siege Year 6 Includes Reputation System, Map Reworks

Rainbow Six Siege’s latest operator, Flores, was unveiled a few days ago, and now Ubisoft has unveiled a full Year 6 roadmap for the game. Good behavior is also a central pillar of Year 6, and there will be a new tool to help with this.

As revealed previously, Rainbow Six Siege’s first season in Year 6 will be Crimson Heist, and in addition to Flores joining the battle, it also includes a reworked version of the Border map. If you’re on a PC test server, you can start playing it tomorrow, February 22. Seasons 2 will include a Nakoda Nations operator and a rework of Favela, while Season 3 will include three reworks for maps and will feature Croatian operators. A fourth operator will be from Ireland, and the Outback map will be getting a rework.

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It’s more than just content updates coming this year, though. Several gameplay elements are being reworked, including being able to control cameras and gadgets after you’ve died, as well as letting attackers change out operators as many times as they need to during the match’s preparation phase. Armor will be switched to health, as well, and there will be a new one-bullet weapon called the Gonne-6 that can destroy bulletproof gadgets. It’s only available to a few operators, including Glaz, Dokkaebi, Lion, Finka, Amaru, Gridlock, Iana, and Zero.

Rainbow Six Siege will also be receiving some improvements that should encourage better player behavior, too. A reputation system tool will launch in Year 6 that will limit access to ranked playlists for those who are viewed as toxic, and it will also offer players information on what they can do to increase their reputation again. Streamers can choose to play the game anonymously in order to avoid “stream sniping” from viewers.

Rainbow Six Siege isn’t the only Rainbow Six game Ubisoft is working on. A cooperative-focused game previously titled Rainbow Six Quarantine is also in the works. Despite reports that it was renamed Rainbow Six Parasite, a final name has not been chosen. The game looks like it will be more science-fiction-oriented than the other games in the series.

About Gabe Gurwin

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