Razer Kishi V2 iOS Controller Is Available Now

The mobile controller market is getting competitive, but the Razer Kishi has always landed near the top in terms of devices worth recommending. Razer updated the device to version two back in June, but that upgrade of the controller was only available for Android devices. Today, the controller is also available for iOS devices.

You can check out some more details about the controller below in an exclusive video created by Razer–which also includes a reminder about our upcoming GameSpot Swipe mobile showcase. Please tune in on September 8 at 10 AM PT!

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Now Playing: Razer Kishi V2 iOS Release Announcement Trailer

We were impressed with the Android version of the Kishi V2 when we tested it earlier this year. It’s a solid piece of hardware with a good button layout, and it even has some additional buttons that manage to fit comfortably on the device without making it feel overcrowded. One of our few major complaints about the controller, was its limited compatibility, which has now been addressed with an iOS version.

Generally speaking, the iOS model of the Kishi V2 is identical to the Android version. It uses a solid extendable bridge as opposed to the foldable piece of rubber of the original Kishi. The Razer Kishi also uses the free Razer Nexus app, which is good for managing your mobile games, as well the screenshots you take while playing mobile games.

The Razer Kishi V2 is available now iOS devices as well as Android devices. You can read our review of the Android version of the controller here.

About Kyle Hilliard

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