This week’s Red Dead Online update has arrived, providing new opportunities to earn increased XP in Red Dead Redemption 2‘s multiplayer mode and starting a new season of activity in Outlaw Pass No. 5. Rockstar Games detailed all this and more in a new blog post that you can read the highlights of below.
Double rewards on all free roam missions
Pay a visit to Hamish, Flaco, Sadie, or any other Stranger on the map this week and you’ll be able to earn double XP and Red Dead Online cash for lending a helping hand to strangers in need.
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Now Playing: Red Dead Online: The Outlaw Pass No. 5
Triple XP on gang hideouts
With bandits infesting the frontier, free roam will pay out handsomely this week. Clearing any local Gang Hideouts encountered on your travels will result in triple the usual XP alongside the usual rewards that this activity pays out.
30% off Moonshiner, Trader, and Naturalist rewards
Completing any Moonshiner or Trader sales during the next seven days will result in an offer for 30% off any established or distinguished role Item. Naturalists can also pick up a complementary Legendary Ghost Panther sample that can be turned in to Harriet Davenport for a sizable reward. You’ll also be able to earn the following rewards from certain individuals based on your profession:
Collectors working for Madam Nazar will receive five American Wildflowers.Moonshiners will receive five free Mash Refills and an offer good for 30% off of a Novice or Promising Moonshiner Item.Traders can receive two rewards redeemable for 25 Trader Goods each.
Limited time items
Players looking to update their wardrobe with rare items will have plenty of fashionable goods on offer this week, ranging from stylish long coats to the fanciest of stovepipe hats.
Fernwater coatHopeman vestMorning TailcoatStrickland bootsVaquero Baroque spursSquat stovepipe hatHitched skirtConcho pantsGardenia hat
All role outfits and hats – 30%Refined binoculars – 40%Wildnerness camp – 40%All trading wagons (except the hunting wagon) – 40%Condenser and the polished copper upgrade – 40%Relocation fees for moonshine shack – Free
Prime Gaming benefits
Rockstar announced that everyone who connects their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming will be able to start a career as a Bounty Hunter and outfit their wagon with a new livery:
A free Bounty Hunter LicenseAn award for the Trimmed Amethyst Bounty Wagon Livery
Players who connect to Prime Gaming before April 12 will receive an offer for 30% off select multi-class horses, an offer for 30% off select horse care pamphlets from the Fence, and an additional offer for 40% off any saddle.
Still massively successful both critically and commercially since it launched in 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2 has so far sold more than 36 million copies. Red Dead Online continues to be successful as well, with player numbers continuing to rise more than ever after a standalone version of the multiplayer mode was made available.