This week’s bonuses in Red Dead Online make it a good time to be either a Moonshiner or a Naturalist, with extra rewards for both roles. Other players can still get their hands on freebies, as well as a handful of discounts on cosmetics, weapons and horses.
For Moonshiners, RDO$ and Role XP payouts will be doubled for all Moonshine Story and Bootlegger Missions this week. You can also redeem a 50% discount on the cost of relocating your Moonshine Shack, if you’re after a change of scenery.
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Naturalists are also getting a boost from missions all week, with Naturalist Free Roam events awarding double Role XP and double RDO$ payouts.
Every player who logs in this week will be able to redeem 3,000 Club XP and 5 Potent Health Cures, while non-Role-specific bonuses also available in Showdown Mode and Races. Both will be paying out double Gold and XP until January 25.
There are also new rewards for players on the Outlaw Pass, as well as for players over Club Rank 50, along with a new host of freebies for players who’ve connected their accounts to Amazon Prime.