Red Dead Redemption 2's Latest Weekly Update Dishes Out Double Rewards For All Roles

Red Dead Redemption 2‘s latest weekly update for Red Dead Online is out now. Throughout the next week you’ll be able to earn double rewards on all Role Free Roam events, and receive bonuses for reaching Role ranks, selling moonshine and trader supplies, and more.

Whichever Role you’ve opted for, Role Free Roam events such as Manhunt, Day of Reckoning, Salvage, Condor Egg, and more, are paying out double RDO$ and Role XP all week long. Anyone who levels up five Role ranks will also receive 2,000 character XP and an offer of 30% off any Established or Distinguished Role item. Additionally, all players below rank 10 in any Role will be offered 30% off a Novice or Promising Role item of their choice, while those who have reached rank 20 across all five Roles will receive 50% off an Established or Distinguished Role item, plus 5,000 Character XP.

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Trader Sell missions and Moonshine sales are also doling out double Role XP throughout the week. On top of this, all Traders will receive two rewards for 25 Trader Goods each, while Moonshiners will get five rewards that they can exchange for Mash refills. If you fancy moving camp, Moonshiners with wanderlust can also waive the cost of moving their Moonshine Shack through June 21.

When it comes to discounts, the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. catalogue is offering 40% off Trade Wagons, Work Houses, Wilderness Camps, and Tonic Crafting Pamphlets. You can also get 30% off Pants, Skirts, and Boots.

Those who connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming before July 5 will receive a free emote and offers for 30% off the Bar Expansion and a Novice or Promising Moonshiner item of your choice.

About Richard Wakeling

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