Remnant 2: How To Unlock The Archon Archetype

Remnant II has multiple super-secret archetypes to discover throughout its various biomes, and most of them just require some meticulous exploration. In the case of the Archon archetype, though, things aren’t so straightforward. You’ll need a lot of patience if you want to get add this one to your collection. Here’s the breakdown.

How to get the Archon archetype

To obtain the Archon archetype, you’ll need to collect a whole lot of stuff before seeking out an extremely well-hidden door in the Labyrinth. Here are all of the items, archetypes, and more that you’re going to need.

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Invader archetype at level 5 with the Worm Hole skill activatedExplorer archetype at level 10 with Fortune Hunter skill activated

Leto’s Amulet

Leto’s Amulet can be purchased from Reggie in Ward 13. Before it’ll show up in his inventory, you’ll need to equip very heavy armor so that you belly flop instead of roll, then perform that flop 100 times. Yeah, we think it’s bizarre, too.

Black Cat Band

The Black Cat Band can be purchased from Reggie in Ward 13 after you’ve died 15 times in a relatively short period of time.

Amber Moonstone

The Amber Moonstone can be purchased from Cass in Ward 13.

Anastasija’s Inspiration

Anastasija’s Inspiration can be purchased from Whispers in Ward 13.

Zania’s Malice

Zania’s Malice is found in Root Earth’s Ashen Wasteland map. When first reaching the ramp leading down into the trainyard, look above it for a small section you can crawl through to reach the item.

Full Realmwalker Armor Set

The Realmwalker set can be purchased from Whispers in Ward 13 after beating the game.

Ford’s Scattergun

Ford’s Scattergun can be obtained in Yaesha after completing the Red Throne storyline. Return and speak to The Eternal Empress and say very nice things during the conversation. She’ll grant you the Seal of the Empress. Equip it, then head to the library located in the same map. The ground will open beneath you to reveal a secret area containing the gun.

Cube Gun

The Cube Gun can be crafted by McCabe in Ward 13 by giving her the Conflux Prism, which is obtained by defeating the Labyrinth Sentinel boss–a main story encounter relatively early in the game.

Labyrinth Staff

The Labyrinth Staff is hidden in–you guessed it–the Labyrinth. To reach it, head to the portal that consistently switches between destinations. Instead of passing through it, though, continue to its left and drop off the end of the platform here. A stone path will support you below and lead to the Bastion aberration fight and an altar containing the staff.

Void Heart Relic

To obtain the Void Heart, you’ll need to kill the the Sha’hala boss in N’erud, speak to The Custodian about its defeat, and then wait a day (24 real time hours). When you return to N’erud after this time has passed, you’ll be in Alepsis Taura where you’ll find the relic among the clouds.

How to find and open the corrupted biome gate

With everything collected and equipped, it’s time to head to a secret door within the Labyrinth. Note that the instructions below assume you’ve completed the Labyrinth for the first time.

From the Fractured Ingress World Stone, head down the stairs ahead and take a left through the doorway left of the giant portal. Go to the right up a small set of stairs and then pass through the cross-shaped doorway. You’ll see a portal here that changes where you’ll teleport every few seconds. Wait for it to change to a location that looks as though you’ll fall to your death, then pass through to begin falling. After a couple of moments, you’ll land on a newly formed stone pathway.

Follow the stone pathway and check the last area on the right for a large, corrupted biome gate. Make sure all of your collected items are equipped and then use the Biome Portal Key on the gate and step through it.

You’ll now be in the Backrooms. This is a maze that grants you limited time to explore, so you’ll want to be fast. There are a few different items in here, but you’re here for one called the Strange Box, which can be found in the far back left section of the area.

When you’ve found the Strange Box, you can now head back to Ward 13 and visit Wallace at the docks. As with other archetypes, give him the Strange Box toreceive the Hexahedron in return, which will allow you to equip the Archon archetype.

The Archon archetype is all about rapid mod generation and using the explosive magical powers of the Labyrinth against your foes. It’s arguably the strongest class in the game and can make for an especially incredible secondary archetype to complement your main skillset if you should choose.

For more, check out our full Remnant II guides hub.

About Billy Givens

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