Remnant 2: How To Unlock The Invader Archetype

Remnant II‘s wealth of hidden secrets includes a variety of unlockable archetypes for players to discover throughout the game’s challenging adventure. One of these additional archetypes is the Invader–and it’s also one of the game’s most challenging and time-consuming to unlock. Here’s how to get your hands on it.

How to get the Invader archetype

The Invader archetype will take quite a lot of work to unlock, so be prepared to invest some time before setting off on this journey. When you’re ready, though, you’ll need to head to Morrow Parish in Losomn. This area won’t show up on every playthrough of Losomn, however, so if you didn’t discover it during the campaign, you may need to reroll the biome in Adventure Mode a time or two until it shows up.

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When you arrive at Morrow Parish, you’ll need to seek out the area’s primary point of interest–the Sanatorium. This large hospital houses a lot of horrors and secrets, but for right now, you’re here to find and collect three Stone Carved Dolls.

The first doll can be obtained on the main floor near the Sanatorium safe.The second doll is located not too far from the small shed outside where you fight Ripsaw. Grab the Asylum Third Floor Key from the shed while you’re there.The third doll is located in a room on the top floor of the building.

When you’ve obtained all three of the Stone Carved Dolls, make your way to the third floor of the building using the Asylum Third Floor Key and vault out a window there to find the Prison Cell Key. Next, make your way all the way down to the basement and find a locked door where you can speak to a woman. Offer her the Stone Carved Dolls, then open the door to find that the woman is nowhere to be found–but you can grab the Nightweaver Stone Doll inside the cell.

Continue through the remainder of the Losomn story until you finally reach an area called the Tormented Asylum. In this alternate variation of the Sanatorium, check the lady’s cell once more to find it filled with cobwebs. Interact with them and leave the Nightweaver Stone Doll to obtain the Dreamcatcher.

With that out of the way, you’ll now need to continue the campaign until you reach the final section of the game called Root Earth. Once there, progress until you reach the Corrupted Harbor. Once inside the massive, decrepit ship here, navigate to the very bottom and work your way outside into a wide-open circular section of the map.

In this open area is a pod containing Escalation Protocol, which is a fantastic amulet for almost any build but is unrelated to your current goals. Pick it up anyway, then equip and use your Dreamcatcher on the pod. This will give you a consumable item called Walker’s Dream.

Go into your inventory and consume Walker’s Dream to be teleported to the Twilight Vale. Here, walk into the open area again to fight a towering boss called Bane. The boss itself is fairly easy, but due to the bullet-spongey adds that spawn and dish out substantial damage, you’ll need to take the fight slowly and exercise caution. Upon defeating Bane, you’ll earn the Wooden Shiv.

For the last step of our journey, head back to Wallace at the docks in Ward 13 and exchange the Wooden Shiv for the Root Blade, which allows you to equip the Invader archetype. This creative archetype can leave decoys behind and boost its damage when staying very mobile, making it a great option for those who like a fast-paced, aggressive playstyle.

For more, check out our full Remnant II guides hub.

About Billy Givens

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