Remnant 2: The Awakened King – Should You Spare Or Kill Nimue Rewards Guide

There are many secrets in Remnant 2, some of which involve making crucial decisions. In these instances, the choice you make leads to a particular reward. Our guide discusses the rewards if you spare or kill Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King. We also talk about how we were able to discover these rewards quickly by using backup saves. Lastly, please be reminded that this article contains spoilers.

Table of Contents [hide]Should you spare or kill Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened KingMeeting with the One True King and making your decisionWhere to find NimueKill Nimue: Broken Heart relicSpare Nimue: Gift of the Unbound amuletDefeat the One True King without agreeing to his plan: Jewel of the Beholden ring

Should you spare or kill Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King

The decision to spare or kill Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King occurs when you meet the DLC’s boss. Yes, it’s quite fitting since the lord of the castle is known as the One True King.

Meeting with the One True King and making your decision

You’ll meet this mad lord in the Chamber of the Faithless, which is an area connected to the Palace of the One True King. You’ll be presented with several dialogue options, some of which lead to branching paths:

[Crossed swords icon]: “Sounds like a lot of hassle, let’s fight,” or “You call that an answer?” – Instantly leads to a boss fight against the One True King.”What is my task, majesty?” or “All right, then, what is my task?” – Allows the One True King to propose another plan: the assassination of Nimue.

We discuss this boss battle in our One True King/Monarch guide. For now, though, let’s pretend that you agreed to the One True King’s proposal. You’ll be given a quest item known as the Rod of Retribution, which can be used to kill Nimue.

Where to find Nimue

You can find Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King by going back to the Palace of the One True King area. There, you’ll see a small room with Fae Archers. If you hop past the railing, you’ll see another staircase that leads further down.

The exit takes you to the back area of the Forlorn Coast, where you’ll spot a lone tower. Make your way there and take out the miniboss that appears (i.e. it was the Mangled Atoner for us). Then, enter the tower and continue heading down to see an opening that leads to Nimue’s chamber.

The door to her chamber can also be unlocked. The path leads you back to the first fast travel point in the Forlorn Coast, so you can speedily return to this place via World Crystals.

Kill Nimue: Broken Heart relic

Talk to Nimue and she’ll say that there is darkness in your heart. Choose: “[Kill Nimue] It’s time to die, lady!” A short cutscene will trigger, where you character will plunge the Rod of Retribution into the goddess’ heart. Her body will turn ashen gray, implying that all life has left her.

If you kill Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King, you’ll receive the Broken Heart relic. It has the following effect: Innate +50% use speed bonus; on use, sets current health to 50% of max health over 0.25 seconds.

When you return to the One True King, he’ll be happy with how you handled the task. However, because you just killed a goddess, he’ll become paranoid and think that you’re still out to assassinate him. So, yes, you still need to fight him.

Spare Nimue: Gift of the Unbound amulet

One alternate outcome is to spare Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King. To do this, continue talking to Nimue as she tells you of her plan. Then, choose: “[Spare Nimue] You win, I hope I don’t regret this.”

You’ll be given a quest item called Nimue’s Vow. Return to the One True King and defeat him in battle to turn the item into Nimue’s Blood-Marred Vow.

Finally, go back to Nimue and hand over the quest item. You’ll be rewarded with the Gift of the Unbound, an amulet with the following effects: Disables the negative effects of Burden Rings; restricts maximum health gained by 20% per effect disabled.

The “Burden Rings” are accessories like the Burden of the Rebel, Burden of the Stargazer, Burden of the Gambler, and others. Here’s an example of how the Gift of the Unbound is supposed to work:

Burden of the Gambler’s default effects: +10% crit chance and +20% crit damage; disables weak spots.If you’re wearing the Gift of the Unbound: You can still hit the weak spots of targets, while also retaining the +10% crit chance and +20% crit damage bonuses.

Defeat the One True King without agreeing to his plan: Jewel of the Beholden ring

Lastly, it’s possible to just fight the One True King when you first meet him, instead of hearing of his plans. As mentioned earlier, you just need to pick the responses with the crossed swords icon–i.e. “Sounds like a lot of hassle, let’s fight,” or “You call that an answer?”

After beating the boss, make your way to Nimue’s chamber in Forlorn Coast. Tell her about the news to receive the Jewel of the Beholden ring, which has the following effects: On relic use, increase mod damage by +15% for 10 seconds.

As you can see, there are vastly different rewards whether you spare or kill Nimue in Remnant 2: The Awakened King. Of course, all of these are tied, in some way, to the DLC’s final boss. You can learn more about the encounter in our One True King/Monarch guide.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King takes you to a new zone in the region of Losomn. The DLC itself is filled with many secrets, including the Ritualist class. For other tips and tactics, you can visit our Remnant 2 guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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