Remnant 2 Relic Upgrades And Simulacrum Locations Guide

Remnant 2 brings frantic combat and multiplayer action for up to three players. Along the way, you’ll likely want to make the most out of your Relic. We’ve got you covered with our Remnant 2 Relic upgrades and Simulacrum locations guide. However, bear in mind that dynamic campaign generation does apply, so your progress might be different compared to ours.

Relics in Remnant 2 are akin to flasks/estus in Souls-like games. While the default variant, the Dragon Heart, simply grants direct healing, others that you discover might have different effects. For instance, the Reprocessed Heart converts grey health, whereas the Runed Heart affects health regeneration and mod power.

Table of Contents [hide]How to Find Simulacrum to Upgrade Your Relic in Remnant 2Relic Upgrades in Ward 13Ward 13 Simulacrum LocationLosomn Simulacrum LocationN’erud Simulacrum LocationYaesha Simulacrum LocationThe Tear of Kaeula

How to Find Simulacrum to Upgrade Your Relic in Remnant 2

By default, you only have three Relic charges, which are automatically replenished whenever you interact with a checkpoint, or if your character dies. As such, you’ll want to increase the number of charges to improve your survivability.

Relic Upgrades in Ward 13

For your Remnant 2 Relic upgrade needs, all you have to do is talk to Wallace in the Ward 13 hub. You’ll find his post above the metal steps near the shipwreck.

Each upgrade or additional charge requires the following:

1 Simulacrum – Locations listed below10 Lumenite Crystal – Dropped by elite enemies1,000 Scrap – Dropped by enemies; found in chests

Ward 13 Simulacrum Location

At the start of Remnant 2’s campaign, your character’s buddy, Cass, will get injured. She’ll need some time to recuperate. A bit later, though, she’ll become a vendor NPC, too. While Cass does eventually sell accessories and a limited number of materials, she’s also got one Simulacrum that can be purchased for 1,500 Scrap.

Losomn Simulacrum Location

The creepy city of Losomn is the first zone that you’ll visit in the campaign. There’s also a Remnant 2 Simulacrum location in that area. The goal is to reach the asylum yard in Marrow Parish. Once you open the shed, Ripsaw, a Chainsaw Villager miniboss variant, will pop up.

You can either fight this creature, or cheese the encounter. To do the latter, simply run back to the basement and enter the crawlspace in one of the small rooms. Doing so will allow you to shoot Ripsaw’s legs out from under him without any hassles. Once this miniboss has been defeated, return to the yard and check the shed to grab the Simulacrum.

N’erud Simulacrum Location

Upon reaching the N’erud zone, your main objective might differ compared to other players. The idea is to explore the Phantom Wasteland overworld until you see The Putrid Domain. Go through this dungeon, which will lead you to another overworld area called Timeless Horizon.

Once you’re in the Timeless Horizon, follow the edge of the map, past Terminus Station, until you see another facility. The Simulacrum is along its outer walls.

Yaesha Simulacrum Location

The Yaesha region returns from the first game. The Remnant 2 Simulacrum in this zone is somewhat related to progression. Here’s what you need to do:

The Simulacrum is in the Forbidden Grove, which happens to have the rather tricky Great Water Harp puzzle.However, there’s a roundabout way to get there. Basically, you’ll want to explore the region by going through dungeons with exclamation points (i.e. related to the main quest). Doing so will take you to places like Kaeula’s Rest, Twisted Chantry, and Imperial Gardens.After exiting the Imperial Gardens dungeon, you’ll be back in the Forbidden Grove. This time, you’ll see a mechanism that activates the harp (though you still need to solve the puzzle itself). Check the side of the building with the mechanism to find the Simulacrum.

The Tear of Kaeula

By now, you should have seven Relic charges, thanks to your Remnant 2 Relic upgrades and Simulacrum items. Still, you can gain a couple more via the Tear of Kaeula. Once equipped, this ring grants +2 Relic charges. Be forewarned, however, that picking it up triggers the Kaeula’s Shadow boss fight.

As an aside, a forest spirit named Meidra can be found in the Dappled Glade. You can give her the Tear of Kaeula in exchange for the Sorrow hand crossbow.

In any case, these are the Remnant 2 Relic upgrades and Simulacrum items that we’ve found in our campaign run. We’ll add others as we discover them, so stay tuned.

For more, check out all of our Remnant 2 guides.

About Jason Rodriguez

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