Resident Evil 4 Fan-Made HD Remaster Is Arriving in February

A fan-made Resident Evil 4 remaster has been in the works for eight years, and a new trailer for the finished project is out. Created by Cris Morales and Albert Marin–two guys with day jobs who “absolutely love Resident Evil 4”–the unofficial RE4 HD Project will feature heavily improved graphics and textures.

As stated on the project website’s FAQ, the effort to modernize RE4’s graphics was true dedication. Marin actually ventured out to gather, photograph, and source the real-life visual references in RE4. In the creators’ own words, they scaled up each texture “up to 8-16 times the original resolution (in most cases) and redrawing/remaking from there.”

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The RE4 HD Project will be free to download on February 2 and is compatible with the 2014 RE4 Ultimate HD edition, which is available on Steam for any interested players.

RE4 was originally released in 2005 and is one of the most popular titles in the RE franchise. It’s largely thought to have revitalized the RE series, and without it, we wouldn’t have the acclaimed Resident Evil Village.

GameSpot scored RE4 9.6/10, and reviewer Greg Kasavin commented in his Resident Evil 4 Review, “RE4 is an amazing achievement in a variety of ways, especially in how its inspired, state-of-the-art cinematic presentation works so well with its relentlessly exciting, white-knuckle action, all of which is wrapped up in a decidedly lengthy adventure chock-full of hidden secrets and bonus extras.”

About Jenny Zheng

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