Resident Evil 4 – How To Get The Red9 Weapon

The Red9 is one of the weapons that you can acquire in Resident Evil 4. It packs quite a decent punch and, since it’s a handgun, there’s plenty of ammo to be found. Here’s our guide to help you get the Red9 pistol in Resident Evil 4. Likewise, you can learn more from our weapons hub.

Resident Evil 4 Red9 location guide

The Red9 weapon in Resident Evil 4 can be found once you’re able to use the boat. Basically, this occurs after the Del Lago boss fight, which will lead you to the Mural Cave Puzzle. Eventually, you’ll find a vessel that’s undamaged, and you’ll be able to fully explore the lake.

Once you’re able to do this, go ahead and sail to the middle of the lake, which is where you’d see a shipwreck icon. Board the ship and pick up a couple of items, including an Alexandrite gem. Then, check the prow of the ship and open the chest. You’ll find the Resident Evil 4 Red9 handgun inside.

As mentioned, the firearm is pretty decent due to its damage. A single headshot tends to stun most regular foes, allowing you to follow up with a roundhouse kick. Likewise, handgun ammo tends to drop frequently and, even better, you’ll only use small resources and a bit of gunpowder when crafting bullets. It can also be further boosted via its exclusive upgrade, giving it 1.5x power.

Perhaps one major downside is that this weapon has poor accuracy and shot grouping, which means the crosshair goes wide, making it tricky when trying to land long-range shots, or even short-range hits with aim assist enabled. To alleviate this somewhat, you can purchase the Red9 Stock from the Merchant, which costs 9x Spinels.

In any case, the Resident Evil 4 Red9 is just one of the few non-merchant weapons that you can find in the game. The next one, based on campaign progression, is the CBQR Assault Rifle.

Resident Evil 4 has more mechanics and secrets for you to discover. You can learn more in our guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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