Resident Evil Is Posting Cryptic Village Hints On Twitter

Resident Evil Village‘s Twitter account isn’t just for thirst posts about Lady Dimitrescu–its also posting more information about the game’s story in the form of cryptic letters. See if you can figure out any new information from these two mysterious tweets.

Two tweets posted exactly a week apart show two very different sides to Resident Evil Village’s story. The first, posted in late January, is a simple note reading “make your preparations as I have directed. Do not disappoint me.” The note is signed MM, which most likely refers to the mysterious Mother Miranda, who tall vampire Lady Dimitrescu is pictured talking on the phone to in one of the game’s trailers.

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The note underscores what the trailer already suggested, with Mother Miranda positioned as the mastermind behind an unspecified ceremony to be carried out by Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters.

The second tweet contains a redacted field log, designated with “No: RE-VII.” “Noted recent tracks and blood along the route,” the log reads. “Signs indicate dragging bodies.” Three words or phrases are censored, which specify the location and subjects of interest in the log. Commenters have guessed that the first bit of censored text may read “Eastern Europe” in regards to the log-writer’s location, while the last line could easily read “will begin recording castle occupants and activities.

Capcom is no stranger to using mysteries and puzzles to market the Resident Evil series. The last main game in the series, Resident Evil 7, was teased with a demo called “Beginning Hour,” which slowly unlocked more content as it got closer to the game’s release. Resident Evil Village has released a demo exclusively for the PS5, though it appears to be more of a simple tech demo than anything with Beginning Hour’s in-depth puzzles. A second demo available for all platforms will also be released in spring.

Resident Evil Village comes out on May 7, which means there’s still plenty of time for more teasers on Resident Evil’s socials. We’ll have to check back next Wednesday to see if the account posts more mysteries to unravel.

About Hayley Williams

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