Resident Evil Re:Verse Open Beta Starts In April

Resident Evil Re:Verse is getting an open beta in April on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and it’s free to everyone who has a Capcom account. Re:Verse–which is some sort of multiplayer shooter included for free with the upcoming Resident Evil Village–will launch fully on the same day as Village, May 7.

Though Re:Verse will be available for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on launch day, the next-gen consoles will play the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game via backward compatibility. The open beta will last from April 8 at 2:00 AM ET / 11 PM PT (April 7th) to April 11 at 2 AM ET / 11 PM PT (April 10).

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Now Playing: Resident Evil Re:Verse – Official Gameplay Teaser Trailer

We haven’t seen a ton of Resident Evil Re:Verse yet, but based on the gameplay teaser, it appears to be a multiplayer shooter that stars heroes and villains from the long-running series duking it out for supremacy. Early footage looks a bit wonky so far, but it was just a teaser trailer, so hopefully we’ll get a better idea of what it is once the open beta hits this April.

It seems that this open beta is part of a big Resident Evil push that Capcom has planned for this April for the franchise’s 25th anniversary. Capcom confirmed recently that there will be a RE-themed livestream at some point this April.

About Steven T. Wright

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