The big lady gets big results. Resident Evil Village’s debut on Steam is going record breaking-ly well, making it a top performer for the franchise on PC. In fact, it has absolutely destroyed the previous record.
According to the Steam stats page, Resident Evil Village is currently one of the top 10 most-played games on Steam. At the time of writing, the game has broken 100,000 concurrent players, making it ninth on the list. While being on the bottom end of the top 10 list may not sound very impressive, it’s quite a feat considering the competition. The top spots on Steam’s top 10 most-played list are often dominated by Counter Strike: GO, DOTA 2, PUBG, Grand Theft Auto V, and Rust. It’s also worth noting that Resident Evil Village is currently the only single-player title on the top 10 list.
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Now Playing: Resident Evil Village Video Review
Compared to the rest of the Resident Evil franchise, Village is going above and beyond previous player counts. According to video game industry analyst Benjisales on Twitter, a majority of previous Resident Evil releases only managed to net a fraction of Village’s peak player count. Resident Evil 7’s peak player count is just 20,449, likely because it followed Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, two infamous entries in the franchise. Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 Remake have much more impressive numbers, boasting peak player counts of 74,227 and 60,293 respectively.
Additionally, the game managed to get more than 620,000 viewers on Twitch, beating every other game at its peak.
In our review for the game, GameSpot editor Phil Hornshaw gave Resident Evil Village a 9/10, saying the game “leans heavily on Resident Evil 4’s brand of action, but adds its own sensibilities to the mix.” If you’ve recently started Village and are a bit lost, we have some choice beginner’s tips and a guide on how to beat the game without spoilers. Resident Evil Village is currently available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Stadia, and PC.