Resident Evil Village Maiden Demo Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

As with Resident Evil 7 before it, Capcom has provided fans with a short, intense look at Resident Evil Village in the form of a standalone demo. That demo, dubbed “Maiden,” is available now on the PlayStation Network store for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. It’s not quite as puzzling as the demo for RE7, but it’s definitely possible to get hung up and miss important clues that will show you the way to work your way through this short, frightening slice of the castle. That’s where we can help. If you’ve been struggling to complete it, struggle no more!

Below, you’ll find a quick, spoiler-free walkthrough that will lead you through the demo and help you if you find yourself stuck. We won’t spoil any scares or story elements, although we do highlight a few notes that can give you a little extra insight into what’s going on. You can check out the video below for a full runthrough of the entire demo, as well.

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Now Playing: Maiden – Full Resident Evil Village Demo

The Dungeon

Upon waking up, you’ll find yourself in a dark dungeon cell. Look to one side to find a crumpled-up note hidden in the wall. Reading it provides you several clues you’ll need to escape the dungeon, but they’re a bit obtuse. First, you need to get out of the cell–crouch down and look under your wooden bed for a hole through which you can crawl.

Once you’re out, you’re free to explore. There are several other cells, mostly filled with various implements of torture. You’ll find two of them are chained closed with hanging, half-devoured bodies inside. Follow the blood trails through the dungeon and you should find the body of a woman slumped in another cell. With the doors chained, there’s nothing more you can do here.

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Follow the dungeon hallway to a barred door at the end. You won’t be able to open it, and it’s here that you might be a little confused as to what to do next. Look for a metal box on a stand to the left of the door, in front of it. The box is locked, but examine it anyway–you should hear a sound back the way you came when you do. You have to interact with the box in order to find your next clue.

Follow the sound back through the dungeon to the cell with the dead woman. You’ll find her in a new position with a set of bolt cutters sticking out of her back. Grab them and cut the chains off the nearby cell to get inside it. Here, look for a bucket filled with blood. Interact with that and you’ll fish out the item you need to move on: a lockpick. Use it on the metal box at the end of the hall to leave the dungeon.

The Cellar

You’ll find yourself in a strange, ornate room next. If you remember, the note you read suggested you’ll soon find a locked door, and that you’ll have to follow the light to make your way forward.

Keep moving through the hallways and up a ladder until you reach a round room with a barrel and a small table. Look carefully and you’ll notice a hand sticking out of the barrel, fluttering weakly. You can’t leave this room by its door, but if you walk around the table, you’ll find the doors to a wooden cabinet slightly cracked, with light slipping through from the other side. Open them to reveal another hole you can crawl through.

The note now mentions hitting a dead end and finding a secret that will let you advance. As you move into the next room, you’ll hit that dead end. Duck down into the recessed fireplace, where a few candles burn, to find a brick you can push, activating a switch. That’ll reveal a hole in the wall that lets you advance.

Through the hole, look to your left to find a note that provides some context for what’s going on. Written by a maid, it describes working for someone who viciously attacks her servants if they make any sort of mistake. Being carried to the cellar sounds like what might have happened to the character you’re playing.

Take the ladder from here and push through another hole in the wall to reach the next area.

The Castle

Now you’ll find an opulently decorated, actually clean room. Pick up the Necklace (which is made of bone) on the table as you go by. Exit through the door and follow the hallway to a large foyer. You’ll find a door in this hallway with a bust set in it, which is missing an eye. Log that info for later and head downstairs. Look in the fireplace for another clue as to who you might be playing in this particular demo.

Two of the doors here are locked, but the one left of the fireplace can be opened. Check the side table right in front of it for another note, listing names of potential candidates–for what, however, we don’t know.

Through the door, you’ll find a room with an open window and another big, locked door. Out the window, you’ll see a snowy courtyard lit with torches. Next, check one of the wine glasses on the table in front of the door to discover a ring with a maroon eye set into it. Open your inventory and examine the ring more closely to remove the eye.

As you might have guessed, this will unlock the door with the bust upstairs, so return to the foyer and head there now. Open that door and find another note discussing a particular vintage of wine made by the Dimitrescus, the family that owns the castle.

You can open several of the cabinet doors close to the floor in this room. The cabinet immediately to the right of the note about the wine holds a key to the courtyard, which sounds like the locked door you found in the room with the open window. Return and use the key to unlock the door to trigger the end of the demo.

For more about Resident Evil Village, be sure to read our review. And if you picked up Resident Evil Village, then be sure to check out our guides roundup, which includes our spoiler-free walkthrough, essential beginner’s tips, treasure guide, and more. Otherwise, read up on why you should start the game on hardcore difficulty.

About Phil Hornshaw

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