Resident Evil Village's Lady Dimitrescu Was Brought To Life With The Help Of A Very Angry Stick

Standing at 9’6″ there isn’t anyone alive that could properly provide motion capture for Resident Evil Village’s Lady Dimitrescu. To bring the big lady to life, Capcom paired up motion capture actress Maggie Robertson with an extremely unhappy stick.

Since she started posting on Twitter on May 6, Robertson has been interacting with the Lady Dimitrescu fans of the internet. Once the game launched though, she was finally able to share some of the work that went into Resident Evil Village behind-the-scenes. That includes just how the team at Capcom managed to create the scenes with Lady Dimitrescu.

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On Twitter, Robertson shared a picture of herself with the stand-in for Lady Dimitrescu, a large pole with a foam topper. To match Lady Dimitrescu’s demeanor, it even has some angry eyes and a frown. The stand-in was used to accurately “mark Lady D’s actual size and eye lines.”

Besides showing off the stand-in for Lady Dimitrescu, Robertson shared another video of behind-the-scenes footage featuring herself and the motion capture artists for Chris Redfield and Village’s protagonist Ethan Winters. It shows the motion-capture footage for multiple scenes, including one where Lady Dimitrescu sucks blood from Ethan’s hand. To be honest, that one looks a little awkward.

While the in-game version of Lady Dimitrescu is tall, ominous, and threatening, her stand-in is just, well, tall. Credit where credit’s due though, the developers at Capcom were able to accurately animate Lady D thanks to her talented mo-cap artist and a stick with some foam.

Resident Evil Village recently claimed the crown for the highest peak player count in the franchise, at least on PC. The game broke 100,000 concurrent players on Steam and even managed to nab more than 620,000 viewers on Twitch at one time. Resident Evil Village is currently available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Stadia, and PC.

About Otto Kratky

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