Resident Evil's Lady Dimitrescu Memes Have Taken Over Games Twitter

It’s certainly no secret that many on the internet have fallen head over heels for Resident Evil Village‘s main antagonist Lady Dimitrescu, AKA The Big Lady. Gamers have fully embraced their “horny on main” energy thirsting after this large and in charge vampire. With Capcom releasing the official details on the vampire queen’s height, memes have gone pretty wild.

Xbox leaned into not just the Big Lady hype, but also the joke that the Series X kind of looks like a fridge with its most recent “update” on the next gen console, featuring Lady Dimitrescu for scale. Though they haven’t revealed how many teraflops per inch of big lady the next console/fridge might be packing.

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Remedy brought its own spin, creating a size chart comparing the villainous monsters from its own franchises with Lady Dimitrescu. In the Remedy-verse, our girl isn’t quite as imposing, with the Former towering over her at 79.12 meters. The team even added teeth to the Former so it could pose for the meme with a picture ready smile. But Lady Dimitrescu still manages to outclass protagonist Jesse Faden with her imposing height.

Elgato took a similar, though more tech-minded approach, comparing the vampire to various streaming equipment like green screens and mounts. If the new monster mistress wants to start streaming due to her newfound internet fame, she may have to invest in a custom green screen setup.

Other devs have hopped on the bandwagon in slightly less creative ways, either highlighting the tall ladies in their franchises like Destiny did, or jokingly retconning certain characters to be taller like Ninja Theory. Apparently Senua is now nine feet tall, which I’m sure they’ll explain in the sequel…Not to be outdone, Kaizen Gameworks shot out a tweet featuring Paradise Killer’s own unconventional beauty Crimson Acid asking fans just how tall they’d like her to be and adding a special new game command: “Beg to be stepped on.” Where do I sign up?

We’ve gathered our favorites below, so check them out and let us know which Big Lady meme you’re loving!

About Ty Galiz-Rowe

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