Respawn Is Investigating Apex Legends Leveling Reward Bug

Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that it is currently investigating an Apex Legends bug that is making players unable to receive their rewards when leveling up.

Following the launch of Apex Legends season 14 on August 9, players are reporting issues surrounding the game’s leveling system, with some claiming they are not being given their rewards when leveling up, including packs and Legend tokens.

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“We’re currently investigating an issue that popped up with yesterday’s launch of Hunted preventing [Apex Legends] players from receiving the correct rewards when leveling up,” the developer said on Twitter on August 10. “We’ll provide an update in this thread as soon as we have one. Appreciate your patience with these new changes.”

A post shared to the Apex Legends subreddit on the same day shows a reply from EA Help a player received as feedback in an email. It’s unclear at this time if this post is real or not, as neither EA nor Respawn has publicly shared an update, but it states that it is aware of the player’s “missing account-level rewards.”

“I would like to share that players will actually receive a pack every 10 levels instead of 2 levels,” the email states.

This has left players confused in the Reddit thread, with one player saying that they were told they’d get a pack at level 2 in-game, while another didn’t. Another player added that they were at level 11 but haven’t received their extra tokens. Right now there seems to be no clear explanation for the bug and there are no current workarounds to solve the issue.

Apex Legends season 14 introduced big changes to the battle royale, as well as a new champion, battle pass and more. Here’s everything you need to know about Vantage, the latest character to be added to the roster.

About Demi Williams

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