Return To Monkey Island Is Headed To Nintendo Switch First On Consoles

The long-awaited return of the Monkey Island series, Return to Monkey Island, is officially coming to Nintendo Switch. In fact, that’s the first place you’ll find the point-and-click adventure game on consoles, according to Nintendo’s latest Direct Mini showcase.

Return to Monkey Island sees series creator Ron Gilbert back to write and direct, and which continues the story begun in the 1990s adventure games The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge. The game was first announced back in April, and while there’s not a firm release date for it just yet, it’s slated to hit the Nintendo Switch this year in addition to PC.

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Now Playing: Return to Monkey Island Gameplay Reveal Trailer

The announcement came with a Return to Monkey Island trailer, which includes protagonist Guybrush Threepwood giving an account of his exploits in the story so far. Not much else is known about the game other than its pedigree. Gilbert is joined in designing the game by Dave Grossman, who also led design on The Secret of Monkey Island, and its art director is Rex Crowle, of Knights and Bikes and Tearaway fame–and trailers have already revealed a papercraft-esque art style for the game. A new point-and-click adventure-style website for the game has also been launched that’s worth a look.

Best Point-And-Click Games To Play After Return To Monkey IslandSee More

About Phil Hornshaw

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