Returnal Devs Are "Actively Trying" To Address Save Concerns

Developer Housemarque said it’s “actively trying” to address the complaints about Returnal‘s inability to save mid-game, Axios Gaming reports.

Business developer and marketing director Mikael Havari told Axios Gaming that the team is investigating what options there are to implement a save system in Returnal’s rogue-like design.

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“It’s something that we’re actively, very actively trying to get out as soon as we can,” Havari said.

Havari said the feedback about Returnal’s difficulty and lack of save function has been heard.

“We understand that there are some systems in place that are currently a hindering factor,” Havari said. He also said Housemarque is unsure of what the best approach would be, telling Axios that “we just don’t know exactly what [the solution] is.” Havari said “it’s very difficult to announce anything, because I think there’s a lot of different people looking for different things.”

Returnal’s difficulty, coupled with the lack of save options, lit the internet ablaze when the game launched on April 30 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive. Some complained about the PS5’s Rest function, which could interrupt a run in Returnal if players weren’t careful. Others cited real-life responsibilities–such as kids and work–that hindered their ability to get further in the game.

GameSpot editor Phil Hornshaw countered the fervent discourse, suggesting that players should die more–and get used to it–because Returnal narrative necessitates the player’s death.

Despite the criticisms, Returnal was still well-received by critics and fans alike. In our Returnal review, we scored the game a 9/10, saying, “Returnal’s many moving parts coalesce into a rare shooter that grabs you with its mechanics and its story and never lets go, seducing you with its challenges and a foreboding sense of dread every step of the way.”

About jeremy winslow

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