Weird West is the new immersive sim from Wolfeye Studios set against the backdrop of an occult-soaked gunslinging West, out now. The anthology tracks several stories throughout the West with decisions carrying over to show the consequences of your actions.
Reviews have started to appear for Weird West, and they’re generally positive. Though critics agree that the combat can be imprecise and you’ll need to deal with the occasional bugs, the world-building and narrative ambition make it worth the trip.
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“The greatest compliment one can pay to Weird West is that it does, by and large, capture the feeling of playing one of the pulpy EC Comics and Two-Fisted Tales that inspired so many supernatural Westerns in the past,” Justin Clark wrote in GameSpot’s Weird West review. “From its beautiful two-color art style and creepy morality fables to its omnipresent leathery-sounding narrator, Weird West is a fully realized grungy dimestore cowboy fantasy brought to vivid life. The game you actually have to play to make progress in it isn’t as resounding a success, however.”
For a wider look at the critical reaction to Weird West, check out more review scores and excerpts below. Additional reviews can be found on GameSpot sister site Metacritic.
Game: Weird WestPlatforms: PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series XDeveloper: Wolfeye StudiosRelease Date: March 31Price: $40 Purchase on Xbox Store Purchase on PlayStation Store
GameSpot — 6/10
“Is the struggle worth it, though? Rather emphatically, the answer is still yes. The writing, the story, the characters, and the ways in which your actions have an effect on the world are all enthralling. I wanted answers to the mysteries presented, since the heroes and villains of these tales are captivating, and the payoffs, by and large, are worthwhile. There are a lot of excellent old-school isometric adventure games in Weird West’s DNA, but not enough new-school polish for it to be something great.” — Justin Clark [Full review]
GameInformer — 8.5/10
“Regardless, developer Wolfeye Studios has crafted one hell of a debut release. Weird West subverts expectations, twisting well-trodden cowboy tropes into dark fantasy vignettes brought to life by immersive sandbox elements.” — Alex Van Aken [Full review]
Videogamer — 8/10
“But where that game fixed its gaze on America, with a distinct twang of Mark Twain,Weird West looks instead to Colantonio’s prized setting: the immersive sim, its vales both wildly specific and given to flights of fantasy. The characters here may have been dishonoured, they may have fallen prey to schemes beyond their reckoning, but they all makes choices—and a mark—before they are put in the dirt.” — Josh Wise [Full review]
Destructoid — 8/10
“Weird West presents a bizarre world to tell a story about real, human struggles. It might have some hitches and messiness, but it’s a journey worth taking if you’ve ever been nostalgic about the good ol’ days. Or you just like the idea of charging into a group of enemies as an unstoppable fantasy monstrosity, shotgun barrels blazing, with electric western riffs ringing out in the distance. Saddle up, pigman. That’s your cue.” — Eric Van Allen [Full review]
IGN — 8/10
“Weird West’s five dark-fantasy adventures contain a wagonload of bizarre encounters, twists, and reveals, and its stealth and chaotic combat are challenging but come with the built-in safety nets of unlimited slow-motion and an old-school quickload system.” — Dan Stapleton [Full review]
GameRant — 4/5
“Wolfeye’s attempt to bring the immersive sim genre to an isometric game works well overall, albeit with a few hiccups in handling combat and looting. Fans itching for a game that allows freedom of choice in both story and gameplay at every turn should look no further than Weird West.” — Adrian Morales [Full review]
GamesRadar — 4/5
“In the end, Weird West makes the rollercoaster ride through its world so compelling that you’ll just stop caring about doing everything perfectly. The consequences are just twists in the story you’re creating alongside the main narrative, and it’s hard to imagine that two people’s playthroughs will ever look exactly alike. Though if you find yourself having an existential crisis after eating too many corpses, do feel free to slide into my DMs. I think I’m going to start a support group.” — Rachel Weber [Full review]
Push Square — 7/10
“Weird West sets its sights high by promising player freedom and a responsive world to butterfly effect the hell out of, and it very nearly delivers on all of it. At its best, WolfEye Studios’ first outing offers delightfully chaotic combat and an interesting supernatural setting that leaves no actions without consequence. But while in many respects Weird West achieves some of its grander ambitions, it fails to nail some of the basics. Immersive sim fans will be in their element here, but Raphael Colantonio’s latest won’t have as wide an appeal as his previous successes with Arkane.” — Sam Brooke [Full review]