Roblox Corporation, the company behind the popular game Roblox, has announced plans to introduce a voice chat feature. But given the game’s relatively young audience, the company also emphasized it will keep the feature “safe” for pre-teens, which make up more than half of the game’s daily active userbase.
PC Games N reports that the announcement came during its investor day presentation. The studio acknowledged that most communication in Roblox right now is text-based, but it will be implementing voice in a future update.
“Text chat is the core of Roblox communication today,” said VP of engineering Adam Miller. “In the future, we expect to open up communication through safe voice chat.”
Miller did not go into detail about specific safety features, but it’s top-of-mind for parents. The studio gave player data indicating that more than half of the daily active users are under the age of 13, making the safety features critical for implementing such a change. The studio also said that it has roughly 32 million daily active users.
Roblox Corporation is planning to go public on the New York Stock Exchange on March 10, opening with an offering of 198.9 million shares.