Rocket League Season 8 Kicks Off Next Week With The Real-Life Honda Civic R

Psyonix has announced that Season 8 of Rocket League is officially kicking off September 7, at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET, just under a week away.

The newest season of Rocket League is bringing a range of updates with it, including a new arena, the return of a Halloween-themed event, some additional updates, and for the first time will be introducing a real-life car, the Honda Civic Type R.

As with every season, Season 8 of Rocket League adds in a fresh Rocket Pass. If you pick up the pass this season, you’ll immediately unlock the Honda Civic Type R, and you’ll have the chance to unlock the Honda Civic Type R-LE as you level up your pass. You can check out a preview of the items in this season’s Rocket Pass items here.

As it has done every year since 2017, Haunted Hallows is back for another season appropriate event. Typically the event sees you collect candy corn at the end of a match, which you can redeem for Halloween-themed rewards. Last year, the Haunted Hallows event was themed around Batman’s supervillains, though no word on if there are any collaborations this year.

The latest arena to join the game is called Sovereign Heights Arena, a late-night arena right in the middle of a vibrant-looking city, and it seems like it will be a good arena for a lamp-lit kickabout.

Shortly after Season 8 starts, Season 7 Competitive Rewards will be distributed, which you can check out here.

Rocket League Season 7 Rocket Pass: All Cosmetic RewardsSee More

About Oisin Kuhnke

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