Psyonix announced it’ll return voice chat to Rocket League with an update scheduled for release on May 9. Voice chat has been removed from Rocket League since the 2.04 update that released on September 14, 2021. The announcement of Voice Chat returning was made on the official Rocket League Twitter account, which linked to a blog post.
According to the blog post, voice chat will be on by default, and to talk, all you need to do is plug in a headset to use it. You’ll be able to access two voice channels, Party Chat and Team Chat, from a new Voice Chat tab found in the Friends List. Once you’re in the tab, you can jump in between all the channels from the Main Menu or even in-game by pressing pause. Players will be able to “fine-tune Voice Chat experience” by customizing their chat options in the Settings Menu.
When a player is in a voice channel, they’ll see one of the following two Speaking and Muted Mic. Speaking will indicate that someone is talking with a green icon above. Or Muted Mic, which will show an X next to a player’s name when they don’t have a microphone or you’ve muted them.
Psyonix explained how each chat will work and how you’ll be able to use them.
Party Chat – The perfect way to talk with friends! Players with Voice Chat enabled will enter the Party Voice Channel when they create or join a Party. Players will be able to communicate both in and out of matches as the connection persists between games.
Team Chat – For those who want to talk with their team! Players with Voice Chat enabled will enter the Team Voice Channel when they join a team in a match. This connection will end automatically as the game finishes, then begin anew when you join a new match.
Voice Input/Output – These device options are available on PC and let players change audio sources easily whether you’re rocking the streamer mic or the controller headset.
Voice Chat Method – Open Mic is the default Voice Chat setting so that players do not need to press unnecessary buttons when trying to communicate when hitting those double flip resets. Players who prefer to use Push-to-Talk can enable that in the Settings menu. These players will need to bind the PTT button to something that suits them from the Controls tab.
Mute – We also know everyone uses Voice Chat in different ways, so Players will also be able to Mute individuals in their Voice Channel. This can be done by selecting their names in the Voice Chat tab and choosing Mute.
Psyonix previously said it removed voice chat from the game because “the voice chat system is not up to modern standards.” Some players were even having “performance issues” while using voice chat in-game.