Rockstar Changes How Free GTA Online Cash For PS Plus Members Works

PS Plus subscribers have had an added incentive to play GTA Online on PS4 or PS5 for a long time now, as each month has seen a deposit of a cool $1,000,000 of in-game cash placed directly into their Maze bank account every month. Usually, this cash would be made available if a player logged in but Rockstar Games has decided to change the process for landing that loyalty lump sum.

To claim your cash, you’ll now need to go into the PlayStation Store and grab the bonus as a free gift when the new system kicks in on April 1. Once claimed, the cash will still be instantly deposited into your game account, Rockstar explained in a blog post.

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Now Playing: GTA Online – The Cayo Perico Heist Gameplay Trailer

GTA Online has grown massively in the years since it was released, evolving across two generations of Xbox and PlayStation consoles with the regular addition of new vehicles, mission types, heists, and more. It’ll be getting ready to make a leap onto PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X later this year as a standalone release, similar to how Red Dead Online has been split off from Red Dead Redemption 2. Grand Theft Auto V won’t be left behind in last-gen though, as it’ll also be transitioning to new-gen consoles alongside it.

While a graphical upgrade is one of the new features coming to GTA Online when it arrives on new consoles, reduced loading times is also one of the more requested updates that fans have been asking for. One modder has figured out how to significantly reduce GTA Online’s long loading times on PC, and while the method is still just a proof of concept for now, the improvement makes for a noticeable difference.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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